Wasted Love Read online

Page 10

  “Ooooh!” I squeal as I kick off my heels, sending them flying across the grand entryway. Kayden’s penthouse is off the hook. It’s massive, with marble and golds everywhere and unique, bright, colorful artwork decorating the walls.

  I sashay my way over to the pool table that sits just outside his seating area and grab a pool stick. Spinning, I hold it out in front of me, waving it back and forth, eyeing Savannah, Kayden, and Jax.

  “Anyone up for a game of pool with a twist?”

  Contemplating me suspiciously, Kayden makes his way over to the pool table, grabbing a pool stick. “I’m game. But what’s the twist? Please do not say strip pool or some crazy Brooklyn shit, because the only girl I want to see in her birthday suit is Savannah.”

  Aww. Isn’t he the cutest? He needs to stop being so nice. He’s making it hard for me to do my best friend deed and judge his sorry ass so I can report what I think back to Savannah. So far, he has an A+ in my book.

  Laughing, I shake my head. “Don’t get your briefs in a twist, Knox. No stripping. Just shots. If you call your shot and miss, you take a shot.”

  Jax and Savannah both walk over and grab pool sticks.

  “Sounds fun. I’m in need of a drink after sipping soda and water all evenin’,” Jax says.

  The mixture of alcohol in my body and the sound of Jax’s accent causes a warm heat to begin to build in my core, which only intensifies as he gets closer in proximity.

  “I am pretty drunk…so maybe I need to do shots of water…” Savannah says her words high-pitched, followed by a small giggle.

  My poor bestie. She isn’t used to drinking a crapload of alcohol. She's such a lightweight.

  “I’ll make an exception for you, bestie,” I tease and begin getting the table set up. “Who’s breaking?” I ask, questioning everyone. We’re now all huddled around the table as Kayden puts his iPhone into the stereo and begins blasting Jason Aldean’s Dirt Road Anthem. Another country song I love, which features a kick-ass rapper. “I’ll break,” I decide as quickly as I ask. I give everyone a cheeky grin while leaning over the table and lining up my pool stick with the cue ball. Glancing over my shoulder, I lock eyes with Jax and wiggle my butt playfully before sending the array of balls bouncing around the table.

  “Yeah, baby!” I shout, jumping up and down as I sink a solid ball.

  “Nice,” Jax says, sliding his fingers gently along my lower back as he maneuvers around me. “I’ll go next?”

  Savannah and Kayden both nod, and Jax makes his way around the table. He calls his shot, and it bounces off the hole, rolling back towards him.

  Walking by, I pat him on the back. “Looks like you’ll be taking a shot!” I say in sing-song as I get to work pouring him a shot of Jack Daniels. “Drink up…”

  With a glimmer in his eyes, Jax takes the shot glass out of my hand. “Thanks, baby.”

  Oh. My.

  I’ve dreamt for years to hear Keith Urban call me baby…I’ll call this moment close enough.

  An hour and two games of pool later, we’re all past tipsy. My head is swimming in the overly excessive amount of alcohol I’ve consumed tonight. After my fourth shot of whiskey, I took Savannah’s route and did shots of water.

  Kayden and Jax, on the other hand, pretty much drained Kayden’s mini bar, more than making up for not drinking at the club tonight. Jax’s accent gets thicker the more he consumes, and he gets even more flirty. He is loosening up around me, making me forget about Dixon…at least for tonight.

  I love a good chase, but tonight I wanted something fun and easy. Jax is sweet and funny, and I cannot wait to see if I can get that final wall of his to come crumbling down so that he and I can test out my guestroom bed.

  “Well, we’re off to bed. Savannah is one second away from passing out standing up,” Kayden says, scooping her up playfully and draping her over his shoulder.

  “Hey! I can walk!” Savannah squeals as Kayden slaps her ass and yells, “Night y’all” before disappearing into the far end of the suite.

  “They are adorable,” I tell Jax as I follow him through Kayden’s living room towards the guest suites. This place is massive and has more rooms than one guy needs, but it comes in handy when you have friends crash here. It’s definitely the perfect bachelor pad.

  “I haven’t seen Kayden like this in all the years I’ve known him. I can truly say; it’s nice to know I won’t need to fight off women every day now.”

  Raising an eyebrow at Jax, not hiding my curiosity, I ask him, “So he’s really never been like this with anyone since you’ve worked for him?”

  Stopping outside my door, Jax rests against the wall, rubbing the back of his neck as he peers down at me. His deep chocolate brown eyes are glazed over, thanks to all the shots of whiskey he’s had in the last two hours. Jax studies me and has me melting where I stand.

  “Never. I’ve had to deal with girls not wanting to accept the fact that Kayden wasn’t interested in them. Normally, he would luck out and hook up with a girl who understood it was just sex…but on rare occasions, he would get one that did not want to accept it and try to get back into bed with the infamous Kayden Knox.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh. “Well, I guess you could have said there was never a dull moment around here when the Playboy of Houston was still going strong. I, for one, am glad to be one of those girls. I am more than happy to enjoy a night of wild sex with a guy, then go on my merry way. I don’t do clingy. It’s not in my DNA.”

  I swear; the temperature between me and Jax just increased by a hundred degrees. His eyes are smoldering, and they bore into me, making my breathing increase, and my eyes dilate as desire pools between my thighs.

  I take another step towards Jax and lean against my door with my back flush against the cool wood. The cool contrast pressed against my hot skin causes me to suck in a breath of air between my lips. Jax’s eyes instantly drop to my lips, and I watch as his tongue slowly licks his lips, which only intensifies my current situation.

  Shifting to move in front of me, Jax grabs my hip with one hand, causing a shiver of desire to shoot straight to my core. “You have a way with words, Brooklyn.” His words come out low as he presses his body against mine.

  My legs go weak as I feel his very prominent erection pressing into my stomach. I smooth my hand against his chest and can feel his heart racing against my palm through his shirt.

  “I’ve been told that a time or two.”

  Sliding his other hand along my face and cupping it, he slowly runs the tip of his nose along the sensitive spot beneath my ear. “I don’t know what I’m doing…this isn’t me. You’re just…” His words tapper off as he begins trailing hot kisses along my neck.

  Fisting his shirt, I squeeze the row of buttons between my fingers. Holding on to him, I brace myself against the door and will my knees not to give out on me.

  “Jax…” I moan as his hand slides away from my hip and to my ass. Squeezing it, he lifts me off the ground a few inches, and I feel his erection press perfectly against my clit–which is aching to be touched. “God…” I wrap my free hand around his neck, anchoring my body to his.

  “You smell intoxicating,” he murmurs against my lips as he works his mouth towards mine.

  “You don’t smell so bad yourself…” I giggle as his day-old beard tickles my collarbone.

  I lick my lips in anticipation of Jax’s kisses. I can feel my core tightening as Jax rocks his hips against me and his lips finally crash against mine. My senses are reeling with the heightened level of intoxication I’ve reached.

  The second Jax’s lips hit mine; I’m done. This man can kiss the panties straight off a girl!

  The softness in his kiss mixed with the feeling of our bodies colliding together sends me over the edge; I’m cumming before I even know what has hit me.

  Holy shit.

  “Ohh. God!” I moan into Jax’s mouth.

  Before I can register what is happening, Jax is setting my feet back onto the lush carpe
ting and grabbing the door knob to my room.

  With our lips still connected, he walks us towards my bed. I feel the mattress press against the back of my knees and immediately fall back, with Jax crashing on top of me.

  “Whoa!” he shouts as he releases me and braces his fall to land on his hands.

  Laughing, I cover my mouth with my hands. “I’m sorry. I’m drunk…” I begin laughing again as I get lost in Jax’s smiling eyes. He's staring down at me, his eyes glistening in the dim moonlight that’s shining through the wall of glass windows.

  My guest room has a view of the entire city of Houston. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

  “You are a one of a kind, Brooklyn.”

  Smiling up at him, I slide my fingers through his short brown locks. “You got that right. There’s no one else like me. I think God was smart because I doubt anyone could handle two of me.”

  Nodding in agreement, Jax leans down and presses a chaste kiss to my lips before pulling away, leaving my mouth aching to have his back on it. “I believe you are right about that.”

  “Now where were we?” I ask coyly as I begin working on the buttons of Jax’s dress shirt.

  Grabbing my hand, Jax stops me as I start working on his second button. “I don’t know if we should do this, Brooklyn.”

  Say what?

  Jax rubs the pad of his thumb along my bottom lip as he stares into my now very confused eyes and lets out a loud sigh. “Believe me, I really want you. It’s just…you’re drunk…I’m drunk…”

  Cutting him off, I interject, “I know what I want, Jax. Drunk or not. And I want this,” as I motion my hand between us. “If I didn’t, believe me–you wouldn’t be laying on top of me right now.”

  Rolling off me, Jax climbs to his feet. Pacing the floor in front of me, he slides his hands over his face, then his head, before settling his eyes back on me. I’m still lying on the bed, unable to move. My head feels heavy, and the room feels like it’s spinning.

  “Believe me, Brooklyn. Under different circumstances, I would have you naked and beneath me right now. But I value my job and my friendship with Kayden.” He pauses, taking a deep breath and cursing under his breath. Stepping back towards the bed, he sits down on the edge of the mattress and gently and affectionately runs his fingers down the side of my face. “I hope you can understand. I just can’t risk us hooking up, then you regretting it in the morning because you weren’t in the proper frame of mind.”

  God. Even with him trying to let me down gently, I find myself only getting more worked up. This man’s voice is a goddamn aphrodisiac!

  Sitting up, I lose my balance slightly, “Woah…” Jax reaches out to help steady me.

  Maybe he has a point. I am pretty drunk. I drank way more than I normally do. As I sit here, I am actually not really feeling that hot.

  Rubbing my temples, I inhale and exhale slowly as I try to stop the room from spinning for five seconds so I can speak. Shifting on the bed, I curl my legs up under my butt and rest my chin on Jax’s shoulder. I peer up into his worried eyes that are searching my face.

  He’s probably scared I’m going to cry or freak out because he is turning me down. But that’s not the kind of girl I am.

  I give him a small smile reassuring him I’m okay. “It’s okay. I get it, and you’re right. I am really drunk, and I know you are too. I’am actually not feeling so hot so...oh no!”

  With my eyes growing in size and a look of horror on my face, I stumble off of the bed to run for the bathroom. Falling to my knees, I make it to the toilet just in time. Gripping the lid, I fling it open and hurl every last drop of alcohol I drank tonight and what little dinner I had.

  I hear Jax enter the bathroom.

  This is so embarrassing. I never puke. Ever. And in front of a guy I was seconds away from hooking up with, which makes this that much worse. I haven’t puked after a night of partying since high school.

  “Here,” Jax says handing me a hand towel from a hook on the wall.

  Trying to avoid his gaze, I snatch the towel and dab my mouth with it while flushing the toilet with my other hand. “Thanks.” I keep my eyes focused on the floor. I’m too mortified to look him in the eyes.

  I wipe away the tears that dampen the corners of my eyes, and I climb to my feet to turn on the facet. Filling my hands with water, I proceed to rinse my mouth.

  My bag is still in the Audi inside the parking garage, so I fumble with the drawers in the massive bathroom. I breathe a sigh of relief when I find a bottle of mouthwash.

  Thank you, God. The last thing I want to do is have vomit breath.

  “How are you feeling?” Jax asks as he helps me into my bed and covers me up.

  Lying back on the mountain of pillows, I flop my arm over my eyes and let out a soft moan, “Embarrassed. I am so sorry, Jax.”

  “Don’t be silly. You got nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout.”

  Dropping my arm beside me on the bed, I give him a perturbed look. “You just witnessed me barfing my brains out. I can’t say sorry enough for that.”

  He tips his head back and lets out a low belly laugh that makes me smile even though I really don’t feel like smiling right now. “You’re a riot, yuh know that, right?” he asks, gently cupping my face. The feeling of his warm, strong hand on my face soothes me.

  “If you think me throwing up after almost doing the dirty with you, which by the way I really wanted to do before you shot me down…, is funny then I guess I’ll have to agree to disagree.”

  “Will you listen to yourself? You’re lucky I stopped us before we went any further or this situation would probably be way worse.”

  Now I’m the one laughing. I nod my head in agreement. “You’re right. It could have been you I puked on instead of in the toilet. So I guess point taken. Thank you Jax for stopping, because, sick or not, I would not have had the willpower to put the brakes on. You’re just too damn sexy.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Jax smiles down at me with a playful grin. “Ahh. So you think I’m sexy?”

  I let out an exasperated sigh and slap his chest playfully. “Fishing for compliments, are we now? Of course, you’re sexy, dipwad! You’re a walking, talking aphrodisiac!”

  “Dipwad?” he repeats, with amusement in his voice.

  “Yes. Dipwad. But a sexy dipwad.”

  We spend the next few minutes talking and bantering back and forth with each other before finally saying goodnight.

  This is not how I expected my evening to end, but I am kind of happy it did because Jax is a really sweet guy. I don’t think he is someone I would want to hook up with, then never see again.

  Tonight has been a total whirlwind, leaving my head reeling. From spending the morning with Xander, who gave me one of the best nights of my life, followed by a thrilling afternoon with Dixon, even though he was a dickhead most of the time. He had a few rare moments where he was funny and charming. I always say I hate how guys don’t make me work a little harder before falling into my bed…well, I guess I just met my challenge. Then this evening with Jax has my head reeling.

  I am now thinking Texas is going to be a lot of fun.

  Chapter Eleven


  I can feel my bed dip slightly as I sense someone climbing into bed and lying beside me. The heat from their body travels through my thin cami. I know I’m not dreaming as soon as I feel a hand touch my thigh and slowly begin to travel up my side.

  I’m lying on my side, facing the large wall of windows that overlook Houston as the moonlight glistens through the room. Other than the light from the moon and the clock on my stand, the entire bedroom in engulfed in darkness.

  I blink, trying to get my eyes to focus. Everything is blurry, and my body feels as if it’s still in a dream. I glance towards the glowing clock on the nightstand to see what time it is. It’s just a little after six in the morning; I’ve only been asleep for a few hours.

  Rolling onto my back, I raise my hands up above my head to stretch, causing a tin
y squeak to slip out of my mouth. Coming into focus beside me is Jax.

  Am I still dreaming?

  Pinching a piece of skin on my forearm, I shout, “Ouch…I guess I’m not dreaming?” and let out a small giggle.

  Jax’s eyes smile down at me, glowing in the moonlight illuminating my bed. “Nope. You’re definitely not dreamin’, baby.” His words, mixed with the sensation of his fingers trailing up and down my thigh, cause my body to erupt in goose bumps. My core tightens with anticipation as his fingers slowly slide higher up my leg and work their way towards my inner thigh.

  Closing my eyes momentarily, I inhale deeply before opening my eyes and locking them with Jax’s.

  “You came back?”

  His hand stops moving, and he gives my leg a gentle squeeze. “I couldn’t sleep. I’ve been tossing and turning in there all night. The image of you half-naked in here with just a thin wall between us was driving me absolutely mad.”

  “Well I, for one, am happy you changed your mind. The whole too-drunk-to-fuck excuse can now fly out the window because I have a clear mind and know I sure as hell want to do this.”

  Slowly, Jax slides his tongue over his lips, wetting them in preparation of connecting them with mine. Thank God I can still taste a hint of mouthwash, so I don’t have to worry about kissing him with nasty morning breath.

  He’s leaning on his left arm, with his head resting in the palm of his hand as his brown eyes search my face. His fingers begin their course again, making their way up my body agonizingly slowly. Just as his fingers get to the edge of my panties, he runs them over the thin fabric separating us, causing my eyes to slam back shut and a shudder to shoot through my sex as it clenches with anticipation of his fingers entering me.

  Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he slides the thin fabric of my panties to the side, all the while never taking his eyes off mine. With a perfect pace, he begins moving his fingers over my sex, spreading my juices from my entrance to my clit.