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Wasted Love Page 12
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Page 12
Get your shit together, douchebag!
I didn’t realize I had fallen back asleep until I awoke two hours later with the sun blaring into my room, completely engulfing my bedroom in sunlight.
“Holy crap. Did what I think happen, really happen? Or was it all a dream?” I ask myself out loud, glancing around my room.
Sitting up, I feel that familiar soreness between my legs.
Yup. I definitely had sex with Jax this morning.
Climbing out of bed, I make my way into the bathroom and head straight for the shower. I turn it on as hot as my body can handle and climb in. Nothing feels better than a nice, steamy shower. I immediately feel all my muscles begin to relax.
Jax was amazing. But now I’m kind of freaking out. I dip my head under the water and let it wash over my face as I get lost in my thoughts.
I’m used to hooking up with guys, then never seeing them again. With Jax, I’ll be seeing him on a daily basis. For me, that's all good. I have no problem fucking him, then being friends. I am just hoping that since we have hooked up, it won’t cause things to become weird between us. He’s seriously one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met, and I love hanging out with him and Kayden.
I’m going to just act as if nothing happened and go from there. I’ll, hopefully, find some alone time with him today to talk about what happened. I know he had reservations about sleeping with me. Guys can be weird about sex. They always think if they fuck a girl, she is immediately going to fall in love with them. I find it hilarious that guys believe their dick sliding into a chick’s vagina will cause hearts and roses to cloud her judgment.
After finishing my shower, I walk into my room, mentally cursing myself for not getting my things from the car first. But to my surprise, something beside my bedroom door catches my eye: my black duffel bag with the words LOVE PINK on it in leopard print is sitting on the floor.
I have a slight obsession with all things Victoria’s Secret. I own pretty much every lip gloss, perfume, body spray, and nail polish. Also, anything animal print they release, I gotta snatch up.
Savannah is on an angel kick, buying anything with freaking angel wings on it, especially now that her and Kayden’s song is Cowboys and Angels, by Dustin Lynch. She has taken her angel addiction to the next level.
Even with our crazy obsessions, we love each other just the same. Our quirkiness makes us unique, and another reason we rock as besties!
Jax must have gone down to the parking garage and grabbed it for me. He is too damn sweet.
I grab my bag and dump everything onto the bed, digging around until I find my yoga pants and a lace camisole. I quickly slip them on, along with my flip-flops. I get to work in the bathroom, running some mousse through the ends of my hair to get the perfect wavy effect and pulling it up into a tight ponytail.
I am all set for the spa. I can’t wait to get a massage. All the dancing and crazy monkey sex I’ve had in the last two days has my body aching from my head to my toes.
As soon as I step out of my room, I can hear the television. Walking into the living room, I find Savannah sprawled out on the sectional, nibbling a muffin and watching “Live with Kelly and Michael”.
I skip over to her with a big grin spread across my face, showing my pearly whites. “Morning, bestie! You ready for a fun-filled day of massages, mani, pedis, new hair–and of course some shopping?!” I fire off in one breath before inhaling deeply and blowing it out while giggling.
“Aren’t you just chipper for being up so early this morning?” she says dryly, glancing up at me before taking another nibble of her muffin.
I purse my lips and push my eyebrows together. “Aww. Does my bestie have a hangover?” I tease, leaning over the arm of the couch and giving her head a pat.
“Yes.” She sighs, closing her eyes momentarily. “I am never drinking that much ever again. I think I need to go back to my three-drink limit. Hangovers are for the birds. I feel like my head is going to explode.”
I perch myself on the arm of the couch, giving her a knowing smile. “Oh, we all say that, but by tomorrow you’ll forget all about your pesky hangover. Thankfully for me, I feel like a million bucks today.”
“Well, let’s just hope the aspirin I took this morning kicks in because I don’t want to feel like crap the whole day. We have our girls’ day all planned before you leave for Vancouver again.”
Thankfully, after drinking two cups of coffee and letting her headache meds kick in, Savannah is feeling a million times better. Just in time for us to go get our deep tissue massages!
I’m swallowing my last bite of muffin just as Jax comes strolling into the kitchen. He's freshly showered and looking absolutely delicious in his dark jeans and a crisp white button up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up a quarter of the way, letting his tattoos play peek-a-boo with me. He has the first few buttons of his shirt undone, showing off the chest hair that I was just running my fingers through this morning while he told me all kinds of crazy hilarious Aussie slang.
“Mornin’,” he says, greeting me and Savannah before getting to work pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Good morning, Jax,” Savannah says sweetly as she slides her gaze between me and Jax. She watches us very closely.
“Mornin’,” I mumble as I try to force my muffin down my throat. I grab my coffee and chug it, trying not to choke on my muffin. Images of me and Jax together last night, then again this morning, flood my mind.
This is why I avoid guys I hook-up with. Jesus. He looks divine. My brain is going haywire as I take in the view before me. Jax is resting against the kitchen counter, tapping his fingers against the coffee mug while he gazes down at his phone.
Damn it. Those fingers. Just the thought of what they were doing a few hours ago has my body getting ready for another round.
Standing abruptly, I ask Savannah, “Ready to head down to the spa?”
Giving me a knowing smile, Savannah slips off the bar stool. “Yup. If you’re ready, I'm ready.” She then turns her focus to Jax. “We’ll text you when we’re done, if that’s okay?”
He looks up at me and Savannah, and when his eyes hit mine, I feel my face flush. “Sounds good. I’ll just head down to the restaurant.”
Of course, the second we step into the welcome center to the spa and gym, who do I spot on the damn treadmill? None other than Dixon-sex-on-a-fucking-stick-Beaumont.
Damn it…of course he has to be shirtless and glistening with sweat. The floor-to-ceiling windows have cast a ray of sunshine like an aura of light around him. It’s like I’m staring at a sparkling fucking vampire and getting a lady boner!
We lock eyes for a split second, but as quickly as it happens, the connection between us is broken when he turns his piercing blue eyes back towards the busy Houston streets. I can’t refrain from rolling my eyes at him and myself. Five seconds around that man and every thought escapes me.
Geez…not even so much as a smile, wave…nothing.
He is such an ass.
Why does he have to be so damn good looking? And why does the fact that he acts as if I don’t exist make him that much more attractive to me?
My lungs are on fire; my body is drenched in sweat, and I officially cannot feel my legs; that’s what I call a successful run.
My last two miles flew by, and all thoughts of Brooklyn are completely pushed into the back of my mind. Climbing off the treadmill, I down the remainder of my water and toss the plastic bottle into the recycle bin. I make my way to the opposite side of the gym to grab a towel and wipe my face before tossing it over my shoulder and heading towards the locker room.
I am in desperate need of a shower, but I’m too scared to go back to my room just yet; I’m afraid blondie from last night may still be there.
After saying hello to a few of my buddies who have now strolled into the gym–and successfully avoiding a few girls I know I’ve hooked up with be
cause they’re giving me death glares from across the gym–I manage to slip into the locker room and take a quick shower. At all times, I have extra clothes in my designated locker. In record time, I have changed into a pair of jeans and a V-neck tee and throw my soiled laundry in a heap into my locker.
I’ll have my assistant collect it later.
Pulling out my phone, I type a text to Kayden.
Knox, where u at? I’m going to grab a bite to eat then I’ll be on my way to ur place.
Within seconds of sending the text, my phone vibrates, alerting me of an incoming text. Walking out of the locker room and back into the gym, I keep my eyes on my phone and open the text.
I’m on my way to the gym now to work out for a bit u still there?
Glancing up, I spot Kayden pushing the large glass door open. Nodding at him, I slip my phone back into my pocket. “Hey.”
“What’s up, bro,” Kayden says, slapping hands with me before pulling me in for a quick bro hug.
“Going to grab some breakfast at the diner down the street.”
“Don’t you normally eat breakfast here?” Kayden asks, giving me a questionable look.
I let out a low chuckle and prop myself against the wall. “Yeah, but I woke up this morning with that girl from the club in my bed. I slipped out while she was still asleep but left her a note to grab breakfast on me. I am trying to not run into her and deal with the whole ‘When can we see each other again spiel?’.”
Kayden shakes his head, laughing. “Ahh, classic Dixon. Bang her and leave her, but still be a gentleman and offer her breakfast.”
“It’s better than her hanging around my place, trying to make herself at home. I would rather not walk into my suite and find her in my shirt, cooking fuckin’ eggs or something.”
Rolling his eyes, Kayden moves around me and steps up onto a treadmill. Leaning forward and resting his forearms on the bar, he grins down at me. “When you find the right girl, that will be a vision you look forward to seeing every morning.”
“Pfhh. Fuck that. I’m not going to turn into some pussy-whipped guy who does the whole ‘chocolates and flowers’ shit. You know me, cuz. It’s just not in my DNA; I was born a ladies’ man. My mom swears I’ve been flirtin’ with the ladies since I was in utero.” I burst out laughing at the expression on Kayden’s face.
With laughter in his voice, Kayden twists the top off his water and says, “I’m going to laugh my ass off the day I find you pussy-whipped over a chick–and I’m going to make sure I remind you of this conversation.”
Waving my hand at him before stuffing them into my pockets, I shake my head no. “Never gonna happen, bro.”
“Never say never.”
My growling stomach cuts our conversation short. “I’m starving. I’ll see you in a few hours?” I ask, backing away from him slowly.
Chapter Thirteen
Today has been fantastic, but I’m so sad that it’s almost time for me to board my plane to fly back to Canada. Savannah and I crammed every bit of girl time we could fit into our schedule; enjoying our full body massages, manicures, and pedicures before having Jax take us to the hair salon our hairstylist Quinn back in L.A. suggested to us.
Savannah looks smoking hot with her new chunky highlights. I had longer hair extensions put in, per a request from the director's assistant, who texted me a few days ago.
Jax and I went about the day as if nothing happened. I don’t want things between us to be weird, especially since we’ll be around one another more now that I’m living here with Savannah. I plan on seeing a lot of him while I’m in town.
I spent the entire afternoon being the same outspoken, rambunctious Brooklyn, playfully teasing and harmlessly flirting with Jax in the car while he drove me and Savannah around Houston.
If things work out well, maybe Jax will be a fun hook-up when I’m in Houston. He’s been the same ol’ Jax since the first day I met him. I am happy he isn't acting differently towards me; I was worried us sleeping together may change that.
If things continue to work out well between us, it will save me from having to worry about another guy being less than stellar in the bedroom. Jax and his Australian thunder dick can make me orgasm in zero-point-two seconds, exactly what a girl needs after a long, hard week.
Xander’s been texting me off and on all afternoon while Savannah and I were Christmas shopping. It sucks that he’ll be leaving in a few days because that man is definitely someone I want to see again. I swear, if you looked up ‘multiple orgasms’ in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Xander beside it. That man can make you lose consciousness after he’s through with you.
I only get to see him one more time before he and his band leave for the next few months on the Rebel Tour. My being in Canada filming most of the time makes it impossible to squeeze any more time in with him before he goes on tour.
Normally, I don’t ever give a guy my number or even consider seeing him again, but Xander was not only amazing in bed, we actually had a lot in common. We spent the entire morning talking about music and all the places we want to see before we die before he brought me back to the beach house. The morning after we hooked up was surprisingly relaxing, just chilling out with him.
I’m starting to think that I’m over the whole ‘random stranger hook-ups’ thing.
I know, shocking!
Between Jax and Xander and the undeniable chemistry between me and Dixon–which I know eventually he’ll give in to–I think I’ll be okay with going out and having a good time with new people. When I have that itch, I just can’t scratch with my B.O.B., I can shoot a text to Xander or Jax to help scratch it.
Most of my friends in Los Angeles and Vancouver have bed buddies. They tell me it takes the stress out of wondering if your next lay will be a dud. When you need a good fuck, you just dial them up, and problem solved. You’re both on the same page knowing it’s just sex, nothing more, and it keeps things simple without the worry of the relationship becoming complicated.
It’s a win-win situation. If you do decide to randomly hook-up with someone else one night, it’s not a big deal because you’re not exclusively dating; you’re just there for each other when a good lay is needed.
I have lucked out with Xander and Jax because they are amazing, but lately my luck has not gone all that well, making me now understand their logic behind it all. You can only have so many bad lays before you begin to feel discouraged.
I was ready to give up on men altogether for the time being. I thought about just focusing on acting after three weekends in a row of dealing with guys who couldn’t fuck a girl properly if their life depended on it!
In L.A., so many guys will dance the night away with me, getting my body all worked up. Then they are either well-hung, but have no idea how to use it–total waste of a big penis, I say–or so fucking small it feels like they shoved their pinky in my vagina instead of a dick!
I think my mind is officially made up: I need a bed buddy…or two. I gotta keep things interesting. I want to fuck the same dude every weekend just as much as I want to eat pizza every day of my life. Sure I like pizza, but I also like variety. That’s what I plan on doing with Jax and Xander. By the time Xander leaves on tour, maybe I’ll finally be successful in winning Dixon over.
I am living every woman’s fantasy right now. While chilling on set, I’ve read enough rocker books and chatted in enough book groups to know girls dream of being with both a bad boy and the hot boy next door. That is for sure both Xander and Jax.
I should seriously write a book about my crazy ass life. It’d be a goddamn bestseller!
As soon as Jax drops Savannah off at Kayden’s ranch, I’m going to talk to Jax about my bed buddies epiphany. I'll get to see where his head is at with the whole idea. After he drops me off at the airport, while I’m killing some time waiting to board my plane, I'll text Xander to see if he’s still up for getting together next wee
kend while I'm back in Houston.
We pull up to Kayden’s house, and all of us get out and help Savannah carry the trunk full of gift bags into the house; she went crazy Christmas shopping today. I picked up a few things, but plan on doing the rest of my shopping in Los Angeles when I go home to my parents’ house for the holidays.
I’m one of those last-minute shoppers; always have been, and probably always will be.
It’s been gorgeous all day, but the sun is starting to move farther back into the sky, giving the air a slight chill. There’s a gentle breeze blowing, causing my ponytail to whip around the back of my head. I can hear the horses galloping as their hooves hit the ground on their way up the hill. I stop on the large marble stairs and watch the horses for a few seconds. I need Savannah to bring me back to the ranch so we can go riding the next time I'm in town.
A shiver shoots through me as the wind blows against my exposed arms. I quickly run up the stairs and inside, never so happy to be indoors. The warmth instantly hits me, and I bask in it as I rub my arms, trying to warm them with my hands.
“Cold?” Savannah asks, grabbing the bags I set on the floor and handing them off to Hemsworth, Kayden’s butler.
Nodding, I hug myself. “Yeah, I was fine earlier, but now I think I need to grab a hoodie out of the car before I leave.”
The sun was so warm earlier, I had decided on skinny jeans, flat heeled leather boots, a solid red T-shirt, and a black chevron infinity scarf. With the sun slowly setting now, though, I am in need of something with long sleeves. Not to mention, I always get cold when I fly.
“I hate that you have to go,” Savannah pouts as we hug goodbye in the foyer.
I give her a tight squeeze. “I’ll be back before you know it. Plus you have Knox to keep you busy, so I doubt you’ll even miss me.”
Pulling away from me, Savannah slaps me on the arm and furrows her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. “How dare you even say that? I miss you every time you go on location. You’re the Thelma to my Louise, B.”