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Forbidden Page 3

  There goes my morning of peace and relaxation.

  “Man, you look like shit this morning.” Linc’s voice pulls me out of my sleepy daze as the sound of his voice, slightly deeper and gruff from sleep, fills the room. Once again, my heart begins to race as I take in the sight of him. He’s shirtless still, but at least now he has some Nike basketball shorts on. His hair is disheveled on top of his head, and his muscles are flexing, making my mind go blank as I watch him bring his coffee cup to his lips.

  I blink away the dirty thoughts and sink deeper into the couch as I curl my toes along the edge of the coffee table and bring my attention back to the news. “Bite me, asshole,” I tell him with a snarky attitude before taking another sip from my coffee.

  I see, out of the corner of my eye, him approaching the couch, but force myself not to acknowledge him. Setting his cup down on the side table, he sits down a few spots away from me, leaning on the arm of the couch. I feel his eyes on me as I continue to drink my coffee and ignore him.

  His feet land next to mine as he lets out a loud groan that sends shivers through my body, traveling straight to my core as he stretches beside me.

  My body needs to get its shit together. We do not like Linc. So just stop. Stop right now, whatever it is my vagina thinks it wants. Because no way in hell am I going anywhere near that. His dad is banging my mom. It’s wrong on so many levels that I’m even picturing Linc naked right now.

  Ugh. My brain and my body suck!

  “I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I, on the other hand, feel fan-fucking-tastic. I’m ready to go to the country club and hit some balls with my boys. It beats being holed up in this place all day.”

  I let out an aggravated moan before turning my head slowly to stare at him. It’s taking everything in me not to laugh at him as he says golf and fan-fucking-tastic in the same breath.

  “I’m suddenly feeling chipper, now that I know I won’t have to look at your face all day.”

  A loud, deep chuckle fills the room as Linc tips his head back and lets out the sexiest laugh I’ve ever heard. “Wow. I think that is the first time ever in my life I’ve had a girl tell me that without me fucking her first. Thanks for the laugh, sis. I needed that,” he says, slapping my thigh. The minute his hand connects with my bare skin, I feel it flush and my sex clench with desire. The pressure building between my legs is too much, and I find myself pressing my thighs together, trying to push away the ache to have Linc between them as he shows me exactly how he earned that title he carries around so proudly.

  Jumping to my feet, I put some distance between us as I make my way around the coffee table. I furrow my eyebrows as I glare down at him. “I warned you yesterday. I’ll only tell you one more time. Don’t call me sis ever again, unless you’re okay with having your balls snipped off and tossed over the Golden Gate Bridge. So if you value your jewels, I suggest you call me Raven, or whatever the hell else you wanna call me. Just never call me that again. We are not family. Got it?”

  Infuriating me more, he starts laughing again. “Simmer down there, Spitfire. I’ll be sure to remember that from now on, and probably wear a steel cup around you. Why don’t you go fetch yourself another cup of coffee? I think it’s safe to say you need one. While you’re at it, why don’t ya pour in a little Bailey’s? It’ll perk you right up.”

  Shaking my head, I turn my back to him and don’t even bother responding. Instead, I head straight to the kitchen, set my cup in the sink, and then head upstairs for a much-needed shower, and possibly a visit with my vibrator to take the edge off. That man has my body all knotted up.

  I pray we get some hot, single guys here tonight because I need a good distraction to make my mind and body forget about the asshole downstairs. I’m one more conversation away from committing my ass.


  Techno music is blasting throughout the entire lower level of my house, and there's barely any room to walk with so many people here. I could wring Tessa’s neck right now for inviting so many people! She posted my home address on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, saying ‘Rager’ at my house. My mother will kill me if anything ends up stolen or broken.

  As more and more people piled in, I finally had to say enough was enough and ask my friend Seth, who was a lineman at my high school, to play bouncer at the front doors and turn people away. The last thing I need is it getting out of hand and the cops coming.

  “There you are! Come on and get your ass back outside. Nathan is out there asking about you. He is freaking smoking, girlfriend. You gotta get on that before one of these skanks snatches him up.”

  I follow Tessa, since I feel I have no choice, seeing she’s practically dragging me out to the back patio. As we’re pushing our way through the crowd over to where Nathan, a guy from the local college here in town, is sitting with his friends, I hear a loud screeching, followed by seeing a flash of a body fly over my head before watching a person cannonball into my pool.

  “Oh, my God, did you see that, Raven?! That was epic. I hope someone caught that on video because I gotta see that again.”

  Am I too sober? Because Tessa seems to think everything is fucking epic tonight, while all I can think about is the lawsuits I’ll have if someone breaks their goddamn neck while at my party! This is why I go to other people’s parties. I just had to have the bright idea to throw my own.

  “That was not epic. That, my friend, was stupid. He’s lucky he landed in the damn pool! Who jumps off a roof into a pool?” I shout, pointing my hand towards the idiot now climbing out of the water.

  Laughing, Tessa continues pulling me through the crowd. “Someone who’s seriously trashed, that’s who.”

  I inhale and exhale slowly, trying to keep my panic at bay before taking a long pull from my Solo cup of beer. I’m buzzing, but clearly not drunk enough, because I’ve yet to enjoy myself.

  Reading my mind, Tessa pushes the bottom of my Solo cup up to my mouth. “Drink, girly. You’re too uptight! This party is a huge hit. People will be talking about it for months. The DJ we hired is playing only the best music, and a guy cannonballed into your pool off of your roof! The night is young, and there’s bound to be even more epic shit to go down before this party ends.”

  Rolling my eyes, I gulp down the rest of my beer. “There. Happy?” I ask with sarcasm in my voice as I dangle my now empty cup in her face.

  “It’s a start.”

  She drives me insane.

  Finally, we make it to the patio table, where there’s an intense game of flip cup going on. Nathan is sitting with a bunch of his friends, along with Linc, who I immediately notice sitting across from him and Courtney, the resident skank, who’s a year younger than me, sitting on his lap sipping from a Solo cup while watching the boys play their drinking game.

  “Raven! Where’ve ya been? I thought you got lost when you went to get your last beer,” Nathan says, giving me a ‘melt your panties straight off’ grin as he reaches up, hooking his arm around my waist, and pulls me down onto his lap. His dark brown hair looks almost black under the starlit sky, which he wears buzzed almost completely off. Nathan has that innocent boy next door look to him, but he has a pretty big reputation as a player in our circle of friends.

  He’s one of those guys that every girl wants, but soon after, they wish they never had because he has a reputation for breaking hearts. Luckily for me, I’m only looking for a night of fun and nothing more, so his bang ‘em and run attitude doesn’t faze me the least bit.

  Draping my arm over his shoulder, I lean into his nicely toned chest. “Sorry. The party was getting a little out of control, so I had to track Seth down and ask him to bounce for us. It cost me a few hundred dollars, but it’s worth it to make sure nothing gets broken or stolen and no cops are called.”

  Sliding his hand along my cheek, Nathan cups it and gently strokes my skin with his thumb. “I’m glad you got it all sorted out so that you can now let loose and have some fun. What do ya say? You up f
or some flip cup?”

  Smiling down at him, I momentarily get lost in his dark chocolate irises before shrugging my shoulders and telling him, “Sure. Why not?”

  “That’s the spirit!” he shouts with a big ass grin spread across his face before surprising me, and I’m pretty sure everyone else at the table, as he pulls my lips down to his for a kiss. His lips brush mine for only a few short moments before pulling away, leaving me eager to do it again.

  We’ve partied together and flirted a time or two, but never took it any farther, but tonight, I’m looking to change that. Especially if I’m going to be hearing Linc in the next room over. I’ll be damn sure he gets to hear me in return.

  “Alrighty then.” I laugh as I shift on Nathan’s lap to face everyone. I feel Linc’s eyes on me once again and glance up slightly, locking my eyes with his. There’s a dark, stormy look brewing in his, but after blinking them a few times, the cool, relaxed Linc seems to resurface.

  For a moment there, I think he was actually jealous of Nathan kissing me, which is absurd. We’ve barely spoken to each other in our entire lifetime. There’s no possible way he’s jealous right now.

  At least I hope not, because if so, that could mean trouble in our near future. Especially if my mother is right and Matt is planning on proposing to her.

  An hour and a lot of shots later, my head is feeling fuzzy and I no longer care that there are people practically fucking on my staircase, or that people are doing cannonball contests from the pool house roof. I have not a single care in the world. And I suddenly love everyone.

  I told the weird hipster getting high by the bushes that I loved him, who then offered to give me a hit off of the joint he was smoking. I took a hit, and then kept on moving. I then proceeded to stumble my way inside, where I ran into my girlfriends that Tessa and I were with last night. I gave each and every one of them a hug and told them that I loved them all too. Which ended with us all giggling, them saying they loved me back and suggested I get some Starbucks delivered pronto.

  I continued this all the while pulling Nathan along with me as I made my way over to the downstairs bathroom, which had a line a mile long at it, because I’m pretty sure I heard someone say something about someone getting laid in there.

  Nathan, being the sweet gentleman that he is, offered to take me up to my room so I could use my own bathroom. Both of us trying to stumble our drunk asses up the stairs was quite the sight to see, let me tell you. I thought a few times we were going to fall to our deaths down those fricking stairs.

  All of this led to this moment. He and I lying on my queen size bed making out like high schoolers. My body is craving his touch as his hands slide under my top and work their way towards my breast. His mouth leaves mine and begins kissing my neck as he teases my nipple through my lace bra.

  I arch my back and let out a soft moan as I grind my mound against his thigh. I’m so horny I need to be fucked now. Not deal with this foreplay shit. Thanks to Linc, I’m wound up tighter than a yo-yo right now, and desperate for a release. Nathan here is so drunk that I pray he’ll even be able to get a hard on. He was downing shots left and right downstairs.

  I climb onto Nathan’s lap, straddling his thighs as I get to work unbuckling his belt. I can’t stop giggling as my way-too-intoxicated self tries to get his belt undone.

  “Need help?” Nathan asks with amusement in his voice as he reaches down and attempts to help me undo his belt.

  “This is way harder when you’re drunk.” I laugh again as we finally get the belt undone, and we move to his button and zipper.

  We can barely hear ourselves think, let alone speak, thanks to the blasting music from the DJ outside my window. So we are finding ourselves shouting at one another as we attempt to talk over the techno beat vibrating my bedroom walls and windows.

  Finally getting his pants undone, Nathan sits up and fists the bottom of my t-shirt, pulling it up over my head. His eyes slowly roam over my body, taking in my breasts that are looking rather nice, if I do say so myself, in my push up Victoria’s Secret pink lace bra. God didn’t bless me with the biggest set of boobs, but he did okay. I’m a full B, and from the look on Nathan’s face, he likes what he sees.

  My body is humming with need as his hands slide up my back, working their way to the clasp of my bra. I tilt my head back to savor the feel of his mouth sucking on my nipples through my bra. My head is swimming from the alcohol pumping through my veins, only making everything he does feel a hundred times better.

  I’m gripping his broad shoulders for dear life so that my drunk ass doesn’t fall off of his lap as his fingers fumble with the clasp of my bra. Just as I feel it finally unhook, my bedroom door swings open hard, causing the door to bounce off of the wall.

  “What the hell?!” I shout as I cover my chest with my arms and turn my head towards my bedroom door, where I find Linc standing. My heart starts beating frantically against my chest as he stomps over to me, grabs me by the arm, and pulls me off of the bed. His face is blank, free of emotion, but his eyes are burning so hot with intensity it’s making it hard to stare into them.

  “Get your clothes back on and get downstairs,” he barks at me before turning his attention to Nathan. “And I suggest you do the same.”

  Boiling with anger and beyond humiliated, I stand with my feet firmly planted into the rug. “I will do no such thing. You’re not my father or my fucking keeper. So you can show yourself out and leave Nathan and me alone to do whatever we see fit.”

  Linc lets out a dark, sinful chuckle as he slides his eyes from me to Nathan. “Unless you want to speak to the cops with your fucking tits hanging out, I suggest you do as I say, get some fucking clothes on, and get downstairs.”

  Cops? Oh shit!

  I quickly reach around my back, fumbling with my bra hooks, trying to latch them. “The cops are here?” I squeak out as panic tears through me. I sway on my feet and curse under my breath as I fight with my bra. “Can someone help me with this fricking thing?!”

  Before Nathan can even attempt to help, Linc grabs my arm and spins me around so that my back is facing him. I feel his fingers brush against mine as he grabs the straps of my bra and quickly hooks them back together.

  “They aren’t here yet, but a friend of mine at the police station just sent me a text warning me that the neighbors called in a complaint, because of the noise coming from our house. So give or take a few minutes, the police will be on our doorstep telling everyone to get out.”

  “Okay. At least that gives us a few minutes to get people out of here.” I feel like I’m going to be sick. If my mother finds out we threw a party and had the cops called on us, she’s going to blow a gasket.

  “Now hurry, so we can get this situation handled,” Linc says as he runs his fingers over the center of my back, tracing the bumps of my spine. My skin feels like it’s on fire where his fingers just touched me, and I am suddenly finding it hard to catch my breath. I don’t know if it’s because of Linc or the fact that the police are on their way to bust up my party.

  I convince myself it’s because of the police and quickly grab my top and slip it back on, while Nathan stands beside me, re-buckling his belt. I give him a sympathetic smile before turning around and following Linc out of the room.

  I stumble over my feet as I try to make my way towards the staircase and brace myself against the hallway wall to steady myself. Letting out a deep groan of frustration, Linc walks beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his side. “Let me help you down the stairs. The last thing we need is you falling and breaking your damn neck. Your mother would kill me.”

  My head is swimming as I lean into Linc and find myself breathing his cologne in deeply. Before I know what I’m saying, I blurt out, “You smell good.” When I drink, I have word vomit. Pretty much any thought that pops into my head ends up flying out of my mouth.


  With laughter in his voice, Linc tells me, “Thanks, I guess. As soon
as we get everyone out of here, I’m making you a cup of coffee to sober your ass up.”

  I wave my hand in the air at him before gripping the railing. “I’m fine.”

  Shaking his head, he helps me down the stairs. “Says the girl who can’t walk down a flight of stairs without assistance. How much did you drink anyways?” he asks, turning to look at me for a moment before bringing his eyes back to the bodies of people on the stairs we’re maneuvering around. Before I can answer, he’s yelling at everyone within shouting distance that the party is over and to get out. Even going as far as poking a few people with his feet, who are passed out on the stairs.

  He notices one of his friends and yells to him, “Tell the DJ to cut the music and get outta here. The cops are on their way.”

  The word cops being shouted across the room gets people up and moving quickly. Suddenly, there’s a flood of people scrambling to exit my house. Not even caring that they’re bumping into glass vases and knocking them off of my mother’s end tables. Thankfully, they land on the thick carpeting and don’t break.

  It’s complete and total chaos as everyone pushes their way out.

  “Does everyone have DDs? Or a cab to bring them home?” I ask, suddenly feeling my brain become less foggy as the reality of what’s going on starts to sober me up slightly.

  Linc gives my side a light squeeze. “Yeah, we made sure before anyone entered the party they had a DD. If they didn’t, they’re on the list for cabs. I called a cab service already, had them send over a few minivans to bring people home. Mac and Scott are outside now, making sure through all this craziness everyone gets home safely.

  I feel the panic that was building inside of me begin to subside as Linc’s words sink in. He handled everything. I’m suddenly finding myself grateful to have him here.

  In record time, the house is cleared out, and the last few people are leaving in a cab as the police pull up. I stay in the kitchen since Linc told me I’m too drunk to have an intelligent conversation with the cops, so I’m snacking on chips with Tessa, while he handles everything with the police.