Forbidden Page 5
I’m shaving my legs when I hear a knock at my bathroom door. My breath hitches in my throat as I hear the sound of Linc’s voice.
“Raven?” he shouts through the door, knocking on it again.
Sliding the frosted glass door open a few inches, I pop my head out of the shower. “Linc?” I shout back with confusion in my voice. What is he doing in my bedroom? Let alone knocking on my bathroom door?
“…left your phone down…”
I cut him off because I can barely hear a word he’s saying between the music and the shower running. “Linc, open the damn door. I can’t hear anything you’re saying.”
The door slowly opens before Linc sticks half of his body through, peering into my large bathroom that looks like a bomb of cosmetics exploded all over it. “Wow. This place is a fucking mess,” he says in awe as he takes in my double sink covered with makeup, lotions, and hair products. Tessa and I got ready for the party in here last night, and we dumped out everything I packed.
“It’s a girl’s bathroom, Linc. It’s a given that the place will be a fricking mess. Get to the point. What do you want?” I snap at him as my patience grows thin. The feeling of his eyes on me, as I stand here naked in the shower, has my blood pressure skyrocketing and my heart practically beating out of my chest.
Shaking his head as if he’s only now realizing where he is, Linc says, “Right. Sorry. You left your phone downstairs when you went for a run, and…well, I heard it going off a minute ago, so I checked, and it said unknown caller. And…well, I kinda answered it, since you were in the shower. I didn’t know if it was maybe a wrong number or something. Figured I’d save you the trouble of trying to call them back.”
I give him a look, narrowing my eyes, silently asking him to get to the point.
“Anyway, it ended up being some guy named Heath? He sounded pretty fucking livid when I answered and not you. As soon as he said his name, I remembered it was the ex you mentioned a few times last night when you were drunk...”
“Wait. What? I talked about Heath last night? Hold on—grab me my towel, please. I’m freezing my tits off talking to you like this.”
It feels like a freaking fan is blowing on me as I stand here sticking my wet body out of the damn shower. Chattering teeth definitely isn’t an attractive trait when I’m trying to seduce Linc.
I don’t remember that part of the night. At all. How mortifying. I don’t know if I even want to find out what I said. I need to monitor my alcohol intake from now on.
He runs his hands through his hair nervously, which I find hilarious since he’s Mr. Cocky every other second of his life. He cautiously steps farther into the bathroom, retrieving my towel from the hook on the back of the door, and holds it out to me. Turning around, I shut the water off before popping my arm out and taking the towel from him.
I notice his eyes keep sliding down my body, taking me in as I wrap the towel around myself and tuck the corner of it between my breasts as I step out of the shower.
My body flushes with heat and my sex clenches as his eyes roam over my body, which is soaking wet from the shower and from the naughty thoughts flooding my mind right now.
Leaning against the wall, he runs his hands over his face before finally telling me, “We somehow got onto the topic of exes last night and you mentioned your ex was in Cabo with a bunch of your friends. You went on and on about how it was all Vivian’s fault because she insisted you come here. But if you want my opinion, you’re better off without him. If he can so easily toss you aside like yesterday’s trash over you returning home for break, he’s a douchebag, plain and simple.”
Hmmm. So we have a case of the asshole calling the douchebag black? Funny, I remember Linc breaking quite a few hearts over the years since I’ve known him. All of a sudden, he’s feeling sympathetic towards a woman?
“God. I cannot believe I blurted all that out to everyone. I have a problem that when I drink, anything and everything can come from my mouth.”
I laugh inside and have to cover my mouth to hide my smile when I hear a low growl resonate in Linc’s throat and notice him adjust himself through his jeans.
“Wow. Sorry, that sounded really dirty. I think I should just shut up now.” I let out a nervous laugh as I hug my body tighter.
“Yeah, well, anyways—Heath proceeded to demand I tell him who I was and where you were. Going on and on about how he needed to speak to you. And well…I kind of told him you were too exhausted from the mind-blowing sex we just had that you were incoherent and unable to come to the phone right now. I figured it was the least I could do to get back at the asshole for treating you like he did.”
Oh. My. God. I thought I was blushing a few seconds ago. I think my face is practically on fire right now it’s so fucking red!
I choke on my words as I try to speak. “You...said...what?”
Linc lets out a deep, way-too-sexy chuckle as he runs his fingers through his hair again. “I think it’s safe to say he won’t be calling you anymore. He was fucking ripping on the phone. It was rather comical. Mac and Tyler got a good laugh out of it. They thought it was the perfect thing to do to the asshole.”
“You did this in front of your friends?!” I squeak out, whipping my hand out in front of me as I point towards the wall that leads towards the backyard. In the process, the movement causes my towel to slip slightly, exposing the swells of my breasts. Linc’s eyes instinctively go straight to my chest. What guy’s eyes wouldn’t go to a girl’s boobs if they’re about to fall out of a towel?
I quickly catch it with my other arm and push past Linc into my bedroom, needing to get out of that bathroom, which was beginning to feel claustrophobic.
Following me to my room, Linc stops only a few inches from me. I back into my dresser, trying to put a few inches between us so I can try to catch my breath.
Not allowing me to have a safe distance between us, Linc steps closer to me to the point that we are now toe-to-toe. My lungs are burning as I try to force them to work. My mouth parts slightly as I attempt to inhale a gulp of air.
“Thanks for helping with Heath. Even if you did go way over the line with the whole sex thing...but seeing that Facebook has been filled with pictures of him with a lot of random, gorgeous women, he deserves everything you gave him. But I want you to understand that if you answer my phone again, I’ll snap your fingers.” I try my best to look angry, but I’m failing terribly, because the only look I have right now is a ‘fuck me now please’ look as I slouch against the dresser for support.
A sexy smirk curls up the corner of Linc’s lips as he brings his hand up to my left arm, slowly tracing his fingers up my shoulder and along my collarbone before stopping to cup my face with his hand, resting it just below my ear. I exhale a slow, shaky breath as my entire body shakes with desire and my senses shoot into overdrive.
His cologne is blanketing my body as the smell of it sends a warmth cascading over every inch of me. He smells like sex and sin. I find myself practically panting with want as he presses his body against mine, revealing to me a very nice-sized erection bulging through his jeans.
“You’re welcome.” Leaning into me, I feel his warm breath on my ear as he whispers, “I’d really like to see you try to bust my fingers, Spitfire. Preferably in your bed.” His voice is laced with sex as it takes on a deliciously raspy tone.
My heart literally stops. In. My. Fucking. Chest. Then kickstarts again as my knees buckle beneath me.
I bring a hand up to his chest, pressing my palm firmly against it before slowly sliding it down a few inches and fisting his t-shirt, tugging him closer to me. His hands come to rest on my hips as he tightens his grip and lifts me effortlessly into the air before slamming my ass down onto my dresser.
“Whoa!” I squeal with surprise as my bare ass hits the cold wood.
His tongue darts out of his mouth and slowly slides between his lips, making my sex clench as thoughts of him using that tongue between my legs invades my thoughts.
nbsp; He towers over me a good eight inches or so, but at this level, his erection is pressing perfectly through his jeans into my bare skin, teasing my clit and making my body ache for an orgasm as he slides between my now spread legs.
“Fuck. The things I want to do to you,” he murmurs as his hands work their way back up to my face.
This whole seducing thing is working out even faster than I thought.
I keep my grip on my towel as I continue to pull on Linc’s shirt with my other hand, yanking him to me. “Like what?” I ask seductively.
He lets out another low growl as his eyes burn into mine. “I’m not sure you can handle me, Spitfire. Once I start, I don’t stop—so you better think long and hard about what you’re asking me.”
Holy. Fuck.
I think my towel is most certainly soaking wet from how turned on I am right now. Linc has to be the hottest, most irresistible asshole I’ve ever met. He’s cocky as fuck, but he has the dick and the reputation to back it up.
The feel of his lips on my skin short circuits my brain momentarily as they kiss a path from my right breast to my left. It feels like hot pokers branding my skin with every press of his lips against my flesh.
“Mmmm.” A soft moan leaves my lips as he rocks his hips in between my legs, teasing my clit with the hard roughness of his cock pressing against his jeans.
Nipping at my skin, he whispers, “Your body is screaming to be fucked, Raven. But I won’t touch you until you tell me with that spitfire mouth of your that you want me to fuck you.”
The sound of The Neighbourhood’s Sweater Weather playing from the bathroom consumes me, blending with the feeling of Linc’s mouth and hands on my body. It’s hypnotic; I feel as if I’m floating outside of myself as Linc captivates my body, making it succumb to his every touch, kiss, and caress.
I’m just about to resort to begging him very vocally to shut up and fuck me, but a knock at my bedroom door shatters our moment into a million tiny pieces.
“Fuck…” Linc curses under his breath as he pushes away from me so fast you’d think he’d burned himself touching me.
“Linc, you still in there, man?” I hear the familiar voice of Tyler through the door.
“Shit. If he knows I’m still in here, he’ll think something’s up. Fuck,” he curses again as he paces in front of me, fisting his hair.
Pushing my way around him, I pad across my room to the door. Whipping it open, I put on my best pissed-off face and point my hand towards Linc, who looks almost physically sick.
Ugh! He’s seriously the biggest asshole on the goddamn planet!
The thought of his friends knowing that he wanted to fuck me two seconds ago is so damn bad that it makes him physically sick?
Why does my body want this douchebag?
Why did I agree to this fricking bet?
I’m so mad that I’m five seconds away from taking matters into my own hands and slapping some sense into myself.
“The asshole’s right over there. Now, please take his sorry ass back downstairs with you before I toss him out of my fucking window.”
I’m seething. Tyler, of course, assumes it’s because of Linc answering my phone and pulling his little stunt with Heath. But in all reality, I’m thrilled he did it. Serves Heath right. The jerk dumps me, hooks up with girls in Cabo, and then calls me for what? More than likely to ask me to take his sorry ass back. I think not.
I’m teeming right now, because my brain is screaming, Kick Linc in the hard-on that was just teasing you through his jeans, while my body is shouting, Slam the door in Tyler’s face, and then tackle Linc’s ass and make him show you just how good he is in bed.
“You gotta admit what Linc did was fucking funny as shit,” Tyler says with an amused tone as Linc stalks past me out into the hallway to join him on the other side of my bedroom door.
Laughing sarcastically, I say, “Yeah, it was fricking hilarious. See? I’m still laughing.” Pointing at my mouth, I let out another sarcastic giggle before slamming the door in their faces. I shout through the door, “Now let me get dressed in peace! And in case you need another reminder, keep your hands off of my phone, jackass!”
My chest is heaving as I fall against the door and listen as their footsteps fade away down the hall.
If I were smart, I would’ve taken my mother’s offer to fly far away from this house and Linc, but instead, I find myself trapped in this house with him and torn between hating him and wanting him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life.
Damn you, Tessa.
Hump day has official blown because there has been absolutely no humping going on. At least, not for me. I was close. So damn close to sealing the deal with Linc. Then Tyler had to come knocking on the door. It was crazy of us to even go that far with all of his friends downstairs, but at that moment, no one mattered. All I cared about was Linc and his magical dick that has been deemed the best by anyone who’s been with him.
I’ve heard enough stories to know he ruins every woman who experiences a wild night of meaningless sex with him. I will be one of those women before I return to school.
While out to dinner, Heath called my phone two more times, and each time, I let it go directly to voicemail. Of course, I caved and listened to them after leaving dinner with my friends. He was drunk and extremely pissed off. I’ve never heard so many cuss words come from his mouth at once. He has a lot of nerve calling me, bitching me out because a guy answered my phone. He broke up with me, which he seems to forget, and he hasn’t looked too heartbroken over it either while partying it up in Cabo.
When I got home, Linc was gone, leaving me in a big empty house with nothing to do. I told Tessa I’d come home alone because I assumed maybe he’d be here, and I could kick my ‘seduce Linc’ plan into high gear.
With everything happening today, I assumed he’d be here too, waiting for me. He’s been here the last two nights, and, of course, after almost fucking me on my bedroom dresser, he pulls a disappearing act.
The craziest part is the thought of him being out with another girl drives me insane when normally I couldn’t care less who he is or isn’t banging. But after what happened today, I find myself hating the idea of him being with anyone but me.
Not long after I walked through the door, my phone started ringing again, but this time, it was my father thankfully, and not Heath. We talked on the phone for almost twenty minutes as we caught up. We made plans for brunch at the country club Saturday, and a few games of tennis. I’ve missed my dad. So it’ll be nice to spend the day with him. He works long hours during the week, so I haven’t had a chance to see him since I flew in.
It’s now two in the morning, and I’m lying on the couch, snacking on popcorn and watching a Pretty Little Liars marathon to try and pass the time. Tessa sent me a text earlier asking if Linc had come home yet, and that was almost an hour ago. I replied back with a simple NO and left it at that because I’m too pissed off to talk about that piece of shit right now.
The sound of a car pulling up snaps me out of my sleepy daze, and I jump up off of the couch and run to the window to look out and see if Linc’s alone or not. I watch as he opens his door, and the second he does, the inside of his Range Rover lights up, illuminating a blonde-haired girl in the passenger seat who looks like one of the girls who was here this afternoon.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
I can’t believe after what happened today he’d bring one of those girls back here for the night!
He’s dressed in navy slacks, and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his massive Rolex, while the blonde he’s with is in sky-high heels, black leather pants, and a sequin tank top with some feather-looking coat thing on. I wonder how many crows Cruella Deville had to kill to make that hideous looking thing?
I climb back onto the couch and cover up with the throw blanket before they enter the house. I’m in a boyfriend tank and yoga pants since I assumed he wasn’t coming home. If I’d know
n, I would’ve put on something a little more revealing, especially since he brought a girl home.
I grab my cell off of the coffee table and pull up Tessa.
OMG! Douchebag is home & not alone.
Not five seconds later, it shows my text as being read, and I watch the tiny gray bubble notify me that Tessa is writing me back as Linc and Blondie come down the hallway. They glance at me, but neither says a word before disappearing into the kitchen. I hear glasses clinking together and muffled voices talking softly before they come back out with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses and disappear upstairs.
U have got 2 be kidding me! U need 2 think fast & sabotage the asshole’s night b4 he screws her!
How the hell am I going to sabotage their evening?
There’s nothing I can do except interrupt them like he did Nathan and me last night. “Ughh.” I slam my fist down into the couch cushion, letting out my frustration on the furniture because Linc isn’t down here for me to smack the crap out of.
Why are guys such pigs? I thought this would be easy, but now he’s gone and thrown a wrench in my damn plan by bringing a girl home. I fly back to Long Beach Sunday afternoon. I’m running out of time. I will not lose this bet. I need to think and try to come up with something that’ll ruin their romantic little evening and send this chick back to the skank hole she crawled out of.
I think I have an idea. Text u later!
I toss my phone down onto the couch and begin channeling my inner actress—I took drama in high school. I’ve so got this!—I run up the stairs screaming bloody murder. “Oooh, my God! Ooooh, my God! Linc! Ahhhhhh…”
I’m screaming so loud my throat is burning, but I continue screaming until I get to his bedroom door. I go to bang my hand against the door, but before I can, the door flies open with Linc barreling out of the room, crashing into me.