Wasted Love Page 6
He laughs lightly against my skin as he trails his tongue from my thigh up to my hip. He stops to dip it into my belly button, tugging gently on my dangling belly button ring as his fingers find their way back inside my hot, wet core.
“You ain’t felt nothing yet, beautiful.”
Don’t I know it.
I’ve been aching to feel that reverse Prince Albert work it’s magic since the second my eyes landed on it. Normally, by now, I’d be pinning the guy down and ravishing him, finding out for myself just how good that baby feels. But with Xander, something about him tells me he likes to be the one in control, and for tonight I’m okay with that.
“Then what are you waiting for? I’m ready for you to do your worst.”
Xander raises an eyebrow at me, then slides his knees under my thighs and removes his fingers from me. Leaning over the edge of the bed and opening his nightstand drawer, he pulls out a condom. I see the wrapper says ‘Trojan Pure Ecstasy’.
He even uses my favorite condom of choice. When you’re being fucked by a guy wearing one of these, it feels as if there’s nothing between you and his hot, velvety dick. Just how I like it…ultimate pleasure, but safe at the same time.
“Nice choice,” I say, eyeing the condom foil as he tears it open and rolls it over his erection. Such a shame to have to cover up that ring, but I imagine it’ll still feel like heaven in my vagina, even with a thin barrier between us.
Xander lets out a low chuckle as he tosses the foil onto his nightstand. “Glad you approve,” he says before sucking my left tit into his mouth.
His mouth feels amazing as he slides his tongue around my hardened nipple, teasing it with the silver ball of piercing. Gripping my hip with his left hand and propping his body up with his right arm, he presses the head of his dick to my entrance. He's teasing me to the point that I literally whimper because my body is so worked up. With every inch of my body tingling and becoming blanketed in goose bumps, a cool chill washes over me and mixes with the heat radiating off his body as he presses his chest against my abdomen.
“Xander…God,” I moan as I lift my butt off the bed, pressing myself eagerly against him as I resort to begging for him to fuck me.
Giving in to my pleas, he releases my breast with a loud pop that echoes throughout his bedroom. The only sounds are our heavy breathing blending with the music playing.
Without warning, he squeezes my hips possessively and tightly; I don’t doubt they’ll be bruised tomorrow. He slams forcefully against me, burying every delicious inch of him. I immediately feel his dick ring rubbing against me perfectly. He rotates his hips in an intoxicating move that sends my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
“Xander…ohhh Gawd...” I moan as I squeeze his biceps. I swear I’m seeing freaking stars right now!
I can feel my orgasm building stronger with each thrust he gives me. I’ve never had sex with a guy who has a piercing in the spot that he does, and let me tell you...it feels fan-freaking-tastic!
With each thrust, Xander lets out a low, primal growl that makes my girly parts tingle. The lustful sounds mixing with his dick slamming against my G-spot is the perfect concoction.
Surprisingly, Xander stops thrusting just as I’m teetering on the edge of an explosive orgasm. I snap my eyes open and look up into his hazel irises, which are burning hot as they stare back into mine.
Licking his lips slowly, he swallows, causing his Adam’s apple to bob up and down in his throat. “Lift your leg and rest it on my shoulder,” he commands as he slides his eyes away from mine and towards my left hip.
“Okay,” is all I can muster at the moment because my head is swimming in a fog. My body feels hypersensitive from the pleasure he’s been inflicting on me for the past few minutes. The slightest touch of his hand on my leg as he positions himself between my legs once again causes me to shiver with anticipation.
My left leg is resting on his shoulder, with my right leg hooked around his waist. He has his right arm resting beside my body, with his hand still gripping my hip to keep me pinned against the mattress while he supports most of his weight on his left. His body is one big piece of solid muscle weighing down on me, but at the moment I don’t care.
I let out a small moan as he finally re-enters me and begins the perfect rhythm he had going a few moments ago.
“You like this?” he asks as he thrusts forcefully inside of me once again.
Nodding slightly, I murmur, “Yes. Feels fucking amazing.”
That seems to please him because a small smile curls up at the corner of his lips. He quickens his pace, and with each rotation of his hips he sends me further into the oasis of bliss I’m floating in.
“Like I said, I’m the real deal, baby.”
Holy hell. He wasn’t lying. It only takes one more perfectly rotated thrust to make me cum.
Tossing my head to the side, I bite on my lip. My body stiffens, then quakes against Xander as an orgasm tears through me.
“Ohh…aahhh…” I scream as I drive my nails into his finely toned ass and lift my hips as we grind into each other at a perfect pace.
Within a few seconds, I feel Xander’s body stiffen slightly. He slides his hand up to the nape of my neck and fists a handful of my hair, pulling on it while burying his face in the crook of my neck.
“Fuck…Brooklyn….fuckkk!” he moans against my skin, making my body flush with desire once again.
The feeling of his mouth, tongue, and teeth on my skin, along with his hard, pulsating cock throbbing inside of me as his ring slams into the perfect spot deep inside of me, sends me floating higher than I’ve ever floated before.
I’m cumming again–and cumming hard.
I feel lightheaded as I gasp for air. This is a new kind of euphoric high; I’ve never cum this hard in my life.
“Uhhh….Xander…fuck me…harder!” I scream repeatedly until my throat goes hoarse.
“Beg, Brooklyn. I love it when you beg.”
I dig my nails into his back harder and scream, “Fuck. Me. Harder!” I direct my gaze back onto his. The look of satisfaction on his face is enough to make me cream all over him again.
With a big, all-white grin, he leans down and presses a hard, passionate kiss to my lips, forcing his tongue between them and tangling it with mine. Thank God I work out because he has my leg practically over my damn head.
Being bent this way, I feel each thrust go even deeper. The feeling of him fucking my mouth with his tongue ring sliding against my tongue is arousing on its own–but the feeling of his penis piercing me is my undoing. An orgasm that’s been building deep inside of me erupts and causes me to scream out, “Ooooohhhhhhh GOD! Oooohhhh GOD! Xander…Xander. Yes! Yes!” I thrash my head and tilt my chin towards the ceiling. Arching my back and lifting my waist, I convulse against him as the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced rocks me to my core.
“Fuck…I love hearing my name coming from these lips,” he says, pressing another kiss against my swollen lips.
Sitting up onto his knees, he drops my leg back down onto the bed, then brings his hands to my breasts and begins teasing and tweaking my nipples. I feel like I’m on the verge of passing the hell out as he prolongs my climax.
He is a fucking rock star in the sack!
“Milk my dick…squeeze out every last drop,” he demands as he squeezes my tits and thrusts repeatedly into me. I milk every last drop out of him like he asks as I squeeze around his dick, which is still rock solid.
Finally, he collapses on top of me. With our bodies slick with sweat, we try to come down from the high we’re both floating on. If I had it my way, I’d never come back down.
This was the best lay of my life.
Xander presses a kiss to my neck and murmurs against my damp skin, “So, I think it’s safe to say that you will never doubt my abilities ever again?”
Laughing, I use what little energy I have left to push him off me. He rolls willingly onto his side. I'm thankful b
ecause he has to weigh at least two hundred pounds, and I’m too spent to try and move him myself.
Rolling onto my side, I drape my arm across his chest, which is still rising and falling at a rapid rate as he tries to recover from the amazing sex we just had.
I let out a small laugh as he gives me a questioning look and awaits my answer.
“Okay. Okay. I promise never to doubt your abilities to rock my world ever again. Happy?” I ask sarcastically as I try to hold back the small smile threatening to split my face in two at any second.
I’ve never gone back for round two with a guy–but with Xander, I can so see us hooking up again. His talent in the sack is too good to pass up.
“Good,” is all he says before rolling off the bed and removing the condom. Knotting it, he carries it into the bathroom attached to his bedroom. Stopping in the doorway, he turns and leans against the door jamb. “You’re not so bad yourself. I gotta say, I loved the way Oh God and Xander sounded coming out of your mouth. I almost blew my load the first time you yelled them out.” He has the cockiest grin spread across his lips, causing a deep dimple to appear in his right cheek. It’s adorable and charming all at the same time.
Rolling my eyes, I tell him dramatically, “I bet you tell that to all the girls you bring home.”
Shrugging, he says, “Yeah. If I said I haven’t been called ‘God’ a time or two and really enjoyed it, I’d be lying. But there’s just something about the way it sounds coming out of your mouth that makes me want to blow my load ten times harder.” He then flashes me that same panty-melting grin again and disappears into the bathroom.
He is one cocky son-of-a-bitch, and honestly, that right there just made him ten times hotter in my book.
Chapter Six
I normally don’t make it a habit of spending the night with a guy because it’s always awkward the next morning trying to figure out if you should stay or go. So, normally I opt to leave before there’s any chance of falling asleep. But with Xander, there was no leaving. That man was like the freaking Energizer bunny! He just kept going and going–and I just kept cumming and cumming!
That man has officially worn me out. I couldn’t believe it when I rolled over this morning–well, more like early afternoon–and saw the clock on his nightstand. It was already after twelve. As soon as I opened my eyes, I grabbed my phone to turn it back on; I had turned it off the second I left the bar, not wanting any interruptions.
The second I turned on my phone, my jaw hit the floor! I had Breaking News messages flooding my inbox. I couldn’t help but laugh as I read the headlines: Kayden Knox gets in a bar brawl with Savannah Livingston’s ex. I found the others not so comical because the press had twisted the story, portraying last night’s fight as some big love triangle, which is the farthest from the truth.
There were photos of Savannah and Logan on the dance floor together. I can’t believe he had the balls to show up there. If he had any brains, he would’ve flown straight back to Los Angeles after Savannah busted his nose.
He was never the brightest bulb.
I don’t know who sold the photos, but they deserve a good ass kicking themselves. I sent Savannah a text, letting her know I would be on my way home soon. I also left her an extremely long voicemail, ranting about the douchebag photographer and Logan, AKA King of the Douchebags. I knew I had to get home to Savannah as soon as possible to make sure she was doing okay.
Thank God Xander was sweet and understanding. He threw some clothes on and offered to take me home instead of calling a cab. Today’s weather is less than stellar, so he took me home in his old pickup truck.
The more I’m down here, the more I'm noticing Texas men and their trucks. In L.A., everyone drives flashy sports or eco-friendly cars. I love it because my Jeep fits right in here perfectly.
I was never so happy to find his roommates still passed out in their rooms when we left the house. I was suffering from a major hangover, and every muscle in my body ached from the all-night sex marathon we’d had. I didn’t want to waste time with introductions to them all when we can do that another day. My main priority was making sure Logan didn’t follow Savannah home and cause more drama.
Before we started towards the beach house, Xander stopped by the first Starbucks we saw for coffee. I was in desperate need of some caffeine.
When he dropped me off at the beach house, he gave me one hell of a goodbye kiss. Shockingly, when I told Xander I’d text him when I was back in town, for the first time I wasn’t lying. Normally, I don’t ever hook up with the same guy twice, because, for some reason, if you go back for seconds, they always get clingy.
I don’t do clingy.
My life is way too busy to worry about stroking some guy’s ego I don’t ever plan on becoming serious with.
Xander is different; with him, I know it’s just sex. He told me he was going on tour soon. A guy going on a tour–where there will be tons of hot chicks begging to sleep with him–won’t want to settle down. I know no matter what, we can have fun and hook up with no strings attached and zero drama.
When I got to the house, Savannah was hanging out with Kayden and our new neighbors. After taking a quick shower and a few aspirin, I felt a lot better. We ordered pizzas for lunch and spent the afternoon eating, playing pool, and talking about the crazy night we had. Everyone filled me in on the insane drama that went down with Logan at Drip last night.
Of course, all the interesting drama happened after I left.
It’s already after four o’clock. The sun finally decided to come out, with the forecast is showing the rest of the day sunny and in the sixties. After saying goodbye to Zak and Jacob, we changed into jeans and hoodies, then packed some hot club dresses and heels for tonight when we go out to Kayden’s nightclub.
First, we are going to Kayden’s ranch to go four-wheeling with him and a few of his friends. I’m not normally an outdoorsy girl, but I enjoy getting dirty every now and then. Throw in some hot eye candy, and I’m all for it.
After almost an hour-long drive, we finally pull up to the gates at the end of Kayden’s driveway. Sugar Land is beautiful. As we made our way towards Kayden’s house, the scenery slowly changed from the busy city of Houston to a nice suburban area. The farther we drove, the landscape turned into spaced out, large, breathtaking homes with sprawling fields with cows, horses, and longhorn bulls. I understand why Kayden also has a country estate. Living in the city is stressful, with traffic, the constant feeling of always being on the go, and racing around everywhere. It’s nice to get away from all that craziness and just chill.
“Wow, the photos of this place don’t do it justice,” Savannah says in awe.
We roll through the slowly opening iron gates allowing us to enter Kayden’s property. It’s a white contemporary style two story house with windows everywhere and massive pillars at the front entrance. The driveway is lined with rows of palm trees, giving the farm-like surroundings a southern beach feel, too.
There is a massive barn off to the right, up a small, grassy hill. I spot our horses, along with Kayden’s horses, running around the stables. I can’t wait to come here and ride Whiskey. With our busy work schedules, Savannah and I rarely get to Tennessee anymore. I miss riding, and I’m excited to have Whiskey just a short drive away.
As Kayden pulls up to the front of the house, I immediately spot five trucks with trailers attached parked in his driveway. Also, four-wheelers are all lined up on the lawn beside the trucks.
Unable to contain my shock and amazement, I soak everything in and shout, “Holy shit! Knox, your house could fit, like, three of mine inside of it. That’s saying a lot because my parents’ house in Beverly Hills is freakin’ humongous!”
Stepping out of the truck, Kayden gives me a small smile. “Well, like they say…everything’s bigger in Texas.”
Jumping out of the truck, I rest my hands on my hips and gaze up at the sprawling mansion. “You got that right. Damn…this place is huge! If Savannah wasn’t sleeping
with you, I would think with a big truck and this big ass house, you were trying to overcompensate for a tiny penis. Damn, Knox–everything you have is fucking big!”
“That’s what she said.” Kayden barely gets the words out with a straight face. As soon as I hear him say one of my favorite jokes, I immediately love this dude even more!
I can’t help but laugh at Savannah’s look of shock as she listens to our crazy conversation. Of course, we can make talking about a house vulgar.
“Oh. My. God! Kayden, you did not just say that.” Smacking him on the arm, Savannah tries to act appalled, but ends up bursting out laughing right along with me.
Savannah and I are still laughing as we follow Kayden around to his back yard. After what feels like forever, we finally make it to the back, where we find Kayden’s friends. They are all sitting around the patio, drinking beer beside the large pool.
The back yard is just as impressive as the front. The patio is made from stone, with part of it covered by a roof that extends from the house. Stretching out beyond the patio is a nice outdoor dining area, where the guys are sitting by the wide open state of the art bar-b-que, fit for a grilling king.
Behind us, beyond the pool is a nine-hole golf course and basketball court. This guy has no reason to the leave the damn house! I’m surprised he doesn’t have a freaking baseball field or damn pond in his back yard!
I take in the five guys sitting at the table; four of them are attractive. I definitely wouldn’t turn them away if I accidentally discovered one of them naked in a guestroom while roaming around this place. The fifth guy reminds me of the comedian Larry the Cable Guy. He seems to be about thirty or so pounds overweight. He's rocking jeans, construction boots, and a sleeveless flannel shirt; the only thing he’s missing is the goatee.
Throwing his hands up in the air, he yells at Kayden, “It’s about time you got your ass here–now we can go riding!”
Instantly, one of them catches my eye, making me zone out everyone else sitting at the table. He slightly resembles Kayden, so I’m guessing he may be a cousin since I know Kayden doesn't have any brothers. His body looks to be just as ripped as Kayden’s. If he flexed hard enough, I think he’d tear through the tight gray tee he’s wearing. He’s also wearing a baseball cap, but I can see his auburn hair peeking out. He has a short beard that makes him look even more rugged.