Wasted Love Read online

Page 7

  His eyes are a beautiful, deep blue. With his perfectly tanned complexion, they pop out at you. I’m guessing from the lights on their trucks and the dark tans they all seem to be sporting, I’d say they work construction, even though it’s early December.

  I sure do love a man who’s good with his hands.

  “Sorry we’re late; got tied up back at Savannah’s. I had to redeem myself after losing to Savannah and Brooklyn at pool,” Kayden jokes, elbowing Savannah playfully and giving me a sly grin. “Guys, this is Savannah,” Kayden says, snaking his arm around Savannah’s waist and hugging her tightly against his side. He then flicks his eyes towards me, then back to the guys. “This is her best friend, Brooklyn.”

  “Hey,” they all say in unison, giving us a friendly nod.

  I barely notice the other three guys because my eyes are locked on the hottie to the right with the Houston Texans ball cap on.

  Turning back to us, Kayden swings his arm out, pointing to everyone at the table as he introduces us to everyone. “This is my cousin, Dixon,” he says, pointing to the man getting all of my attention at the moment. “These are our friends, Wyatt, Brantley, and Jesse, but we all call him Tank,” he says, pointing towards Jesse last. I can understand why. Jesse, AKA Tank, is the Larry lookalike who looks to be a good 6’4” or 6’5”.

  You definitely don’t want to be on that guy’s bad side.

  “Nice to meet you guys. We’re excited to go riding,” I tell them, flashing all four guys my best movie star smile.

  “Well, ladies, we hope y’all don’t mind gettin’ a little mud on you because by the time we get finished ridin’, y’all will be covered head to toe,” Tank says, looking from Savannah to me. They all probably see us as Hollywood socialites who would cry over a broken fingernail–but they’re in for a rude awakening.

  Savannah answers before I can. “Not at all. This ain’t our first time, believe me. Back in Tennessee, we go mud boggin’ all the time. We may be from L.A., but we can get down and dirty like any country girl you’re used to bein’ around.”

  I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  Taking one more long pull from his beer, Dixon stands and makes his way across the patio. Clapping Kayden on the shoulder, he says, “Well, now that your ass is finally here, let’s get your four-wheelers out of the barn so we can go mud boggin’. All this rain has made the trail just the way I like it: wet and dirty.” He then takes another sip from his beer.

  All the guys nod their heads in agreement.

  Kayden gives Dixon a knowing grin, and I can’t help but get all tingly inside when I hear Dixon say ‘wet and dirty’. I would so love to show Dixon just how wet I am right now and just how dirty I like it. That drawl is even thicker than Kayden’s, causing my brain to go haywire the instant I hear him speak.

  I think I just spotted my new prey. I wasn’t even cowboy hunting–and then BAM! one sexy-as-all-hell country boy, who has to be one of the hottest guys I have ever laid eyes on in my entire life–which is saying a lot since I lived in L.A., where there is an overwhelming population of seriously attractive men.

  But Dixon, he is a different kind of sexy. He’s sexy without trying. That is one thing about the models and actors I’ve dated that always turns me off: they all try way too hard to be attractive and are more into themselves than the girls chasing them.

  I don’t know how I’m going to deal with all this man candy everywhere, every time I come to Texas. Between Xander, Jax, and Dixon, my brain is on overload as it tries to process all the feelings these men are inflicting in me.


  “Holy shit. That Brooklyn chick is smokin’ hot! Is she single?” Brantley asks as soon as Savannah and Brooklyn disappear into the house to put their bags away.

  I don’t understand why, but for some reason hearing Brantley ask about Brooklyn irks me. Shit. I just met the chick, and I’m getting all territorial.

  I can’t help but hope that Kayden says she’s single.

  Shrugging his shoulders, Kayden answers nonchalantly, “As far as I know, she’s single. She went home with some Xander guy I recognized from that small band in Galveston. I think they’re called Slither Tongue. I doubt it’ll turn into anything serious.”


  I seriously have a major problem on my hands. Just knowing she hooked up with a guy last night has me seeing fucking red. I don’t know whether I should avoid her at all costs or pursue the shit out of her.

  She has dangerous written all over her in a good and bad kind of way.

  That chick has to be one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. I’ve had my fair share of women, but none has affected me the way Brooklyn has without even copping a feel first.

  The second my eyes landed on her as she walked up to us; my heart slammed against my chest. My cock tingled as the thought of dragging her into a spare room and fucking the shit out of her consumed me. That’s my normal reaction to any hot chick, but the whole ‘heart wanting to explode in my Goddamn chest’ is new.

  And this feeling of jealousy? I hate it. I don’t do jealous. I’m not a fucking chick, for Christ’s sake. I shouldn’t feel all territorial over a girl I just met and barely spoke two words to.

  Just the sound of her voice, soft and sweet, her long, flowing brown hair, and deep brown eyes with tiny specks of green radiate beauty. Normally, I go for the bottled blonde Barbie types. But something about Brooklyn has my mind reeling.

  Which isn’t a good thing.

  I’ve had a few girls that started out as hook-ups and morphed into something a little more serious. Due to my uncontrollable nature to flirt and taking it too far when I’m out drinking or traveling for work, I lose all self-control once I have alcohol coursing through my veins. The next thing I know, my dick is buried balls deep into a chick. Then I become a douchebag on yet another girl's list of cheating asshole boyfriends. Every relationship I’ve been in has ended because of my womanizing ways.

  Girls are a complicated species. They get all clingy and are so damn emotional. One thing I can’t handle is an emotional chick. My new motto has been ‘Keep it fun, and the second the girl tries to get serious, I get the fuck out of here.’ Yep, you can just call me Forrest Gump because all I can think of is run, Forrest, run! Get your ass out of there and run as fast as your fucking legs can carry you.

  So I’ve learned to avoid the ones that I feel an all-consuming attraction to; it’s safer that way and saves me the headache of a nasty breakup in the long run.

  My playboy ways have been the talk of Texas for the last couple years. Not as much as my cousin’s, but still every dirty detail of my breakups has become public knowledge. It comes with the territory when you’re one of the heirs to one of Texas’ largest oil companies. I think Kayden has had it worse because he puts himself out there more professionally.

  Me, I avoid the office as much as possible. My passion is in architecture. I own one of the most successful construction companies in Houston, and pretty much Texas. Kayden may like sitting in a boardroom all day, but I’d much rather be outside.

  I think of Kayden as a brother, not just a cousin. We’re not just related, but best friends. I can tell he really likes this Savannah chick, which I still can’t believe; ever since Lulu, he hasn’t been serious with anyone. I only want to see him happy.

  I think the best thing for me to do is avoid Brooklyn at all costs. I know if I pursued her, it would end badly and cause unnecessary tension between us all. The last thing I want to do is cause a strain in our friendship–especially seeing that we also run a billion dollar corporation together. We do not need to be at each other’s necks over some girl.

  “Dixon!” Tank yells, giving me a shove and breaking me from my thoughts.

  Shaking my head, I give him a questioning look. Why the fuck is he shoving me? “Bro. What the fuck?”

  “We’ve asked you twice if you’re ready to go get the four-wheelers. You were staring towards the house, not hearing a damn thing. So
what the hell is up with you? Is a certain brunette suddenly distracting your thoughts?” Tank says sarcastically in an amused tone.

  Pulling my ball cap off, I slide my fingers through my hair and deflect my eyes away from Tank and towards Kayden, trying to brush off what he has just asked me. I give Kayden a sly grin and let out a low chuckle. “Is he serious right now?” I then turn my eyes back to Tank. “I was zoning you jackasses out because you were too wrapped up in talking about a certain brunette. I plan on finding myself a handful of chicks tonight. I don’t plan on wasting my time on her.”

  “Well, you can’t deny it. She’s a ten. If you’re not thinking of going after that fine piece of ass, then I sure as hell will,” Wyatt says over eagerly, causing my entire body to tense up.

  I need to get my shit together. These guys are my friends, and I’m standing here imagining pounding their faces in over a girl.

  I exhale loudly and try to brush off the feeling of annoyance boiling in my chest; I hate that this girl has me all up in knots.

  Slipping my hat back on, I try to change the subject. “Well, you girls can stand around here talking about your feelings, but I’m going to get my four-wheeler.”

  Chapter Seven


  After taking our bags up to Kayden’s master bedroom, Savannah and I headed to the stables to have a quick visit with our horses while the guys pulled their four-wheelers around back. The horses are out galloping around the stables, looking happier than ever. They get along great with Kayden’s stallions.

  Hearing the guys approaching behind us, Savannah, and I say goodbye to the horses and jog down the small hill, meeting the guys halfway. Sliding my eyes from Tank, Wyatt, Brantley, and Dixon, I smile and ask, “So which one of you am I riding…with?” I can’t help but let out a small snicker at their shocked expressions. I even notice Wyatt blush a little.

  Aww…he must be the shy one in the bunch.

  Kayden answers before anyone else can. “Jump on with Dixon. He has the most room for an extra person.”

  Savannah wastes no time jumping on behind Kayden and hooking her arms tightly around his waist.

  “Okie dokie!” I say in a sing-song voice.

  I skip down the remainder of the hill and playfully wiggle my eyebrows at Dixon. I slide my fingers gingerly along his broad shoulders and climb onto the back of his Grizzly.

  “Great,” I hear him mumble under his breath before taking off and following the guys.

  I playfully pinch his nipple and let out a giggle as he hollers out in pain. “Ow! What the fuck was that for?” he barks out, snapping his head back towards me. Even with his dark blue, fuming eyes glaring at me, I find myself melting under his gaze.

  I glare right back at him. “That was for being an ass. Is it seriously that awful to have to ride with me? If so, I can get off right now and jump on with one of the other guys.”

  Now that the four-wheeler has slowed to a standstill, I begin to stand and make good with my threat to get off.

  Dixon’s eyes soften momentarily before I notice his walls come back up as he returns to his all-too-annoyed stare. Shifting his body more towards me, he grabs my thigh and forces me to sit back down. I can’t ignore the spark I feel shoot through my thigh where his hand connected with my body; even through jeans, it’s impossible to ignore. I can tell he felt it, too, by the deer-in-the-headlights look that momentarily flashes before his eyes.

  I can’t help but feel suddenly parched and have to lick my lips, which feel drier than the Sahara Desert. Dixon’s eyes dart to my lips and watch my tongue slide over them before snapping his eyes back up to meet my dazed stare.

  “You’re riding with me, so sit your ass down and enjoy the ride.”

  With those words, Dixon turns back around and guns it. We speed across the field and fly by Kayden and Savannah and the other guys.

  “Alrighty then!” I shriek as I hold on to Dixon for dear life. My hair is whipping around behind me in the wind. I can feel Dixon’s abdomen moving up and down against my hands. I hear a low chuckle coming from him as I react to him turning towards a small puddle, splattering our legs.

  This guy is giving me whiplash with his mood swings. One minute he is bitching because I’m riding with him, and the next he’s demanding I ride with him! What the hell is his problem?

  Everyone loves me! Especially men. Why the hell wouldn’t he be jumping for joy that I’m riding with him instead of one of the other guys? Normally, guys are falling all over themselves to be close to me.

  I don’t get this guy. Now he is laughing! Seriously laughing along with me as we speed through the wooded trail.

  Dixon’s frame is massive and fills up almost the entire seat. I have my body plastered against the back of his, resting my cheek against his hard, muscular back with my fingers laced together against his stomach. I can feel his taut, ripped abs under my hands flexing with each bump we hit as he grips the handlebars and steers us through the trail. His back muscles are flexing against my cheek as I hold on to him for dear life.

  I can’t control the laughter coming out of my mouth as we zip along the trail and slam into mud holes. We’re being splattered with mud, and I couldn’t care less. I’m currently distracted by Dixon’s cologne; it's consuming my senses and causing my mind to turn to mush. I inhale deeply and feel my endorphins firing off as his scent fills my nose.

  He smells amazing.

  That is one of my weaknesses, a man’s cologne. If he smells good and is a unique scent you don’t smell on every man you meet, it makes me a hundred times more attracted to him.

  It causes every inch of my body to jump with excitement. I have to use every ounce of self-control I have in me right now to behave myself. Everything in me is yelling at myself to rip his shirt off so I can run my nose along his chest to get a better smell of his orgasm-inducing cologne.

  Ugh! I must resist the urge to strip this man. God. So much easier said than done.

  This guy has my mind and body all over the damn place right now.

  “Having fun?” he yells over the roar of the engine.

  Focusing on Dixon’s question helps distract me from the fact that my body is pressed up nice and firmly against his, making me feel every single ripple of muscle along his wide, muscular back.

  “Haaa…yeah! This is awesome!” I squeeze him a little tighter as he hits a small incline, and we momentarily go airborne.

  “Hold on, darlin’. Don’t need you fallin’ off and hurtin’ that pretty behind of yours.”

  I can’t help but notice the playfulness in his tone and the fact that he thinks I have a nice butt. He’s loosening up, and in turn I can feel myself becoming more relaxed. I glance back over my shoulder at the other guys behind us zigzagging through the mud holes, but Savannah and Kayden have disappeared.

  Turning my attention back to the front, I yell to Dixon, “Yeah, falling off and getting run over by two four-wheelers is not my idea of a good time. And I’m glad to know you love my ass.”

  A deep, husky laugh graces my ears as Dixon glances back at me with a cocky grin on his face. “You wanna drive?” he asks, changing the subject. He’s really good at that.

  “Hell yeah!” I bounce eagerly behind him as he slowly pulls to the side of the trail.

  Sliding off the seat, Dixon stands beside me, towering above me. Pointing in front of me, he asks, “You know how to handle one of these?”

  Rolling my eyes, I glance up at him as I scoot up to the front and grab the handlebars. “Yes, I know how to drive a four-wheeler, Dixon. I popped that cherry a long time ago.”

  Dixon shakes his head and smiles back at me, causing my girly parts to tingle and my body to flush. “You’re something else,” he says as his eyes roam across my body, which is now decorated in mud.

  “That I am.”

  Shaking his head as if he’s trying to shake out the thoughts filling it, he climbs onto the four-wheeler behind me, then leans back slightly and rests his hands on the bars
behind him.

  Whipping my head around, I look from his hands up to his face. “You can touch me, you know. I don’t bite…well, not unless you ask me to first,” I say as I bat my long eyelashes at him flirtatiously and bite gently on my bottom lip.

  I see his eyes brighten and fill with a lustful stare–but as quickly as that heated look was there, it was gone. Blinking, Dixon clears his throat and says, “How about you show me how well you can drive this thing.”

  “Hold on, because I’m going to take you for a ride you’ll never forget!”

  Not taking me seriously, Dixon continues to hold on to the bars as I floor it, shooting us down the trail so fast, the acceleration causes our bodies to jerk back, then forward.

  “Christ, woman!” Dixon curses as he wraps his large, powerful arms around me.

  I can’t help but giggle at the shock and surprise in his voice as he clings to me tightly.

  I warned him; I don’t do slow.

  “Haa! I told you to hold on!” I shout back at him as I swerve around the corners. Up ahead, I spot a deep mud hole that covers the entire trail. It has to be easily six feet wide.

  The adrenaline rushing through my body is electric and makes my entire body hum with excitement.

  Speeding up, I slam into it, covering the entire four-wheeler in mud. The mud hole is deep, though, and slows us down considerably. Our feet sink into the murky water beneath us. Trying to keep the momentum, I push the throttle as far as it will go and slowly work our way out.

  Thank God I didn’t get us stuck; that would’ve been beyond embarrassing!

  “Holy crap!” Dixon yells with laughter in his voice. “I thought for sure I was going to be pushing our asses out. Nice save.”