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Wasted Love Page 8

  I don’t know why hearing Dixon compliment me makes my heart stammer slightly and my breathing hitch.

  “I told you I know what I’m doing.”

  Dixon squeezes me a little tighter and presses his mouth to my ear, causing a shiver to shoot up my spine. “I admit, I’m pretty impressed…most girls would freeze up and get us buried knee-deep. Now show me what else you got.”

  We spend the remainder of the ride with me driving. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time; we don’t get to do this in California. I think I’m working my way past Dixon’s tough, rugged exterior. I can smell a player a mile away, and this guy is definitely one. What he doesn’t know is I am one, too. I am just as good as he is–maybe even better–at this game of cat and mouse.

  I’m excited to spend more time with him. Normally, every guy I meet chases after me and takes all the fun out of it; with Dixon, he is stubborn as all hell and making me work for his attention. It’s going to be fun wearing him down. What I want, I get.

  I definitely want Dixon.

  Chapter Eight

  The fun Dixon and I were experiencing while riding quickly disappeared the second we got back to Kayden’s house. Back was the cold, distant man I met when we first arrived. The other guys have been fun and flirty, but Dixon is staying as far away from me as possible.

  I don’t get it at all. This man is moodier than a chick with PMS. I decide that two can play this game, though, and give him the cold shoulder treatment right back.

  After everyone got cleaned up, we all gathered on Kayden’s patio, where Kayden and Dixon quickly got to work grilling up a feast fit to feed twenty. Savannah and I made ourselves at home and mixed up delicious white sangrias. While we thoroughly enjoyed our delicious girly drinks, the boys had their drink of choice, beer.

  The sun began to set, casting a ray of colors across the sky. As they mixed with the tranquil surroundings of Kayden’s ranch, it all just took my breath away. This place is absolutely beautiful. I’m a beach kind of girl, but I am really starting to love it here. Best of all, we can go from the ocean to the countryside within an hour.

  Kayden got the fire pit going, and we all sat around it talking while the guys finished cooking. After dinner, I plopped down between Brantley and Wyatt at the large outdoor dining table. I had fun innocently flirting. I don’t feel anything sexual towards them, but I love flirting, and they are quite entertaining.

  They are sweet and kept me and Savannah entertained with their awful jokes. We played nice and laughed at every one they told us. Out of all of them, Tank is the funniest. He actually had us laughing hysterically with the shit that was coming out of his mouth. I can’t wait to get together with them all again.

  I noticed Dixon a few times while he was grilling. He was watching me while I talked to Tank, Wyatt, or Brantley. The second our eyes would lock, he’d divert them towards one of the guys. He seriously has my head spinning.

  It’s nice to see Kayden have true friends, not the fake kind like we see back in Los Angeles. It’s hard to come by true friends, especially when you have money and celebrity status.

  After dinner, Dixon and the other guys loaded up their four-wheelers and tore out. Shortly after they left, Savannah and I changed into our outfits to wear to Kayden’s club, Vertigo. While we were getting dolled up, Jax showed up. He will be escorting us out tonight, along with Kayden. The weekends can get crazy, so Kayden prefers security with him. The paparazzi have only increased since he and Savannah came out as a couple.

  Savannah and I are planning to drop jaws when we enter the club tonight. We’re both rocking the hottest Carvela silver sparkling heels. I’m wearing a micro mini leather skirt and red and black lace corset. My long brown hair is styled in big, bouncy curls pinned up into a side ponytail to keep my hair off my neck; I plan on dancing the night away. Savannah is stunning in a short, strapless hot pink cocktail dress and has her long, curly blonde hair pulled up into a high ponytail.

  Savannah and Kayden drove to Houston in his Lamborghini, and I rode with Jax. I overheard Kayden and Dixon talking earlier, and he mentioned stopping by the club. It will be interesting to see how Dixon acts while we’re at the club.

  Jax, once again, was Mr. Professional. We chatted about Houston and the new film I’m shooting. He loved hearing about all the stunts I do on set and the behind-the-scenes stuff you don’t see when you watch the final product. His accent is to die for. I swear; he could read me the damn weather, and I would be swooning. Its one of the sexiest sounds ever to grace my ears. Since Dixon wants to play hard to get, I’ll flirt with Jax; that should get his attention.

  After parking, we strolled up to the front entrance, waving hello to the partygoers lined up along the street as we breezed through the entrance. Kayden and Savannah entered first and stopped every four feet so he could say hello to yet another person he knows. I swear, he knows every single person in this place tonight.

  After what felt like forever, we finally found a table in the VIP section and placed our drink orders with the bottle girl. Shortly after, she returned with a tray full of shot glasses and a bottle of Jack Daniels. It’s officially time to get this party started; nothing says this night's going to be kick-ass like Jack Daniels.

  Kayden gets to work pouring us shots and handing them one by one to Jax, myself, and Savannah. Holding his shot up in the air, he says, “Let’s make a toast!”

  We all hold our glasses up in the air as Kayden shouts over the techno music blasting throughout the club, “Here’s to a kick-ass night we’ll never forget!”

  “Yay!” Savannah, Jax, and I all shout in unison as we tap our glasses and toss them back. I close my eyes and stomp my heels against the tile floor. The warm liquor slides down my throat, leaving a tingling and scorching path in its wake.

  The second I open my eyes; I let out a cough and my eyes bulge out of my head. I stare ahead in shock and bewilderment. Walking into VIP is Dixon Beaumont–and all I can say is Dayum! I thought he looked scrumptious this afternoon in faded jeans, a tight tee, and ball cap, but he has magnified that times a million tonight.

  Dixon has his hair styled in an I-just-don’t-care kind of way. His short auburn locks are tasseled around on top of his head, with product in it. He is still sporting his beard, which I find extremely sexy. I think it makes him appear even more masculine. I’m used to being around clean-shaven pretty boys in L.A. or on movie sets.

  Dixon is all man. From his deep, husky voice and thick drawl to his solid wall of muscle, I can’t help but salivate over him. He isn’t the type I normally go for; usually, I like the tatted-up bad boy or adrenaline junky with pretty boy looks that I normally meet in Los Angeles.

  Who knew a man in a tight steel grey V-neck tee, dark worn jeans, and boots would have me lighting up like the Fourth of July? He has me this turned on, even with his clothes on? I can’t even begin to fathom how my body would react if I saw this man naked!

  Dixon is pretty tatted-up, with a large cross on his right forearm, which I instantly recognize as the same one Kayden has on his arm. The other night on the beach, I remember him mentioning he got it in remembrance of his grandfather. On his left arm is an antique compass surrounded by waves of water, and attached is a long chain that travels down his arm and stops beneath his elbow. I studied it earlier at dinner and noticed script written on paper that trailed down his arm with a chain. It says, ‘Not all who wander are lost.’

  He has that sweet Southern charm and a laid back, country boy look. Dixon has one of those faces that will send your brain into overload and your heart racing frantically against your chest with just one glance your way.

  I’ve met my fair share of hot men, Jax being one of them, and hot ass rocker Xander from last night. There’s just something different about Dixon…I just can’t put my finger on it.

  I have no clue why I am feeling such an overwhelming pull towards him. What is driving me crazy is the fact that he doesn't seem to be interested in me one minute, and then
the next he is flirting his ass off!

  I can’t wrap my head around this man!

  “Dixon! So glad you could make it!” Kayden shouts over the music as he pours Dixon a shot. “Here, you just missed our toast, but you might as well toss one back.”

  I can’t help but keep my eyes locked on him. No matter how hard I try to look away, it’s physically impossible to focus on anything but him.

  “Hey, everyone…thanks, I definitely need a shot to get the night started,” Dixon says, flashing a megawatt smile at all of us before turning his attention back to Kayden.

  Taking the shot glass from Kayden, he tosses it back, then smacks his lips together before his tongue darts out to lick the amber liquid from his lips. Seeing his tongue sliding between his full, lush lips causes me to cross my legs and squeeze them together tightly to fight the tingling sensation erupting between them.

  I snap out of my Dixon daze the second he plops down on the couch beside me.

  I’m now sandwiched between Jax and Dixon.

  Awkward much?

  The second she spots Dixon; our bottle girl sashays her way back over to our table with a Corona in tow. “Good evening, Mr. Beaumont. Your usual,” she says, with her voice going up a few octaves to ear-bleeding high pitch. I hate when girls talk all squeaky when they’re around a hot guy; it is like nails on a chalkboard.

  Handing him his beer, she makes an extra effort to display her breasts, which are practically falling out of her corset top. Of course, the waitresses working in Kayden’s club have to be half-naked.

  Rolling my eyes, I try to ignore the overly flirtatious bottle girl and turn my attention towards pouring myself another shot. Due to us being squeezed together on this sofa like freaking sardines, my arm brushes against Dixon’s arm as I lean forward to grab my drink. I feel my skin tingle from the skin-on-skin contact.

  What the hell was that?

  Dixon must feel it, too, because the instant I feel the unmistakable electric jolt between us; I glance back at him to find his eyes on me, with a look of confusion in them.

  I’ve been around my fair share of men, and none of them–I mean, literally not one single guy–has made my body react this way. It’s freaking me out.

  “Thanks, darlin’,” Dixon drawls taking his beer from bimbo bottle girl.

  Nodding towards our bottle girl, Jax interrupts her ogling of Dixon and asks, “Can yuh bring us some Cokes?” She gives Jax a questioning look, as if she needs to know why the hell they aren’t drinking. Jax gestures towards Kayden with his thumb, telling her, “We’re the DDs tonight.”

  “Ohh! Sure thing, sweetie. I’ll be right back with those,” she says, extending her hand out towards Jax and patting him on the thigh. Touchy feely much? “If y’all need anything, just give me a holler,” she says sweetly, giving us an extremely fake, all-teeth smile. All she sees are dollar signs for tonight's tip, since she’s waiting on the owner and his cousin.

  It’s official: I hate this chick.

  I’m not normally the jealous type, but this chick is making me see red, and I hate it. My mind and body are all over the damn place, pushing me to Jax, then pulling me towards Dixon. I seriously need to get my shit together.

  I spot Dixon out of the corner of my eye watching Kayden and Savannah, who are being oh so adorable together across from us. They look as if they are lost in their own private little world right now.

  Dixon slides his eyes from Savannah to Kayden. I can’t help but feel my chest flush with anger instead of desire as I watch him take in Savannah in her hot pink, barely there dress. Feeling his eyes on her, Savannah reaches for the hem of her dress, tugging it down, but it’s so short that she’s failing at trying to cover much of anything.

  Kayden has his hand laced with Savannah’s, resting them both on her thigh. Our bottle girl pops back in, handing Jax and Kayden their glasses of Coke before excusing herself.

  She wasn’t all Miss Bubbly this time because no one was paying any attention to her and her assets, which I’m happy about since she made herself scarce. She has enough VIP booths to find guys with deep pockets to flirt with.

  Kayden leans in and whispers something in Savannah’s ear that causes her to blush and slap his thigh. As soon as she does, Dixon clears his throat, leans back slightly to cross his leg, drapes his arm casually along the back of our seat, and interjects dryly, “This is definitely going to take some getting used to.” Kicking his feet up onto the table, he takes a long pull from his beer. I stare at him, hoping he’s going to keep it at that–but living up to his reputation as a world class jackass, he continues, “Are you seriously settling down?” His eyebrows furrow together as he observes Kayden and Savannah.

  It’s as if he is truly baffled by them being together. Is it really that shocking to him that Kayden wants to settle down? Don’t most people at some point in their lives want to settle down? He can’t be a playboy forever; he’s going to need an heir to his billion dollar energy company–which, while we’re on that topic, at some point Dixon will need one, too. Somehow, though, I can’t picture that happening anytime soon with the Dixon I’ve heard about and have observed so far today.

  “I thought I would never see this day again, after the way–”

  Kayden shoots a stone cold glare at Dixon, immediately causing Dixon to slam his mouth shut.

  Okay. Now things just got interesting. I so want to know what the rest of that sentence was going to be. So maybe there is more to Mr. Billionaire-slash-Mr. Sex Machine than I thought? From the look on Savannah’s face, she’s now wondering the same thing.

  Glaring at Dixon, Kayden wraps his arm around Savannah and hugs her tightly against his side. “Yes, and I’m very happy with Savannah. She’s brought a light into my life I didn’t think was possible.” Pausing momentarily, he lifts their conjoined hands and kisses Savannah’s knuckles before sliding his burning hot gaze back towards Dixon. “I’m a very lucky man.”

  Hot damn. Knox can go from fun and flirty to hot and intense in zero-point-two seconds! If I were the one on the receiving end of that glare, I’d be pissing myself!

  Not seeming fazed one bit, Dixon lets out a dry, husky laugh. “Well, she must have a magic fuckin’ vagina or somethin’ because damn–I’ve seen you with some knock-outs, and none of them were able to sway you away from your player ways.”

  Holy…what?! Oh my God! I think I just peed myself holding my laughter in! Magic fucking vagina…seriously?! Oh, my…this is priceless. I feel bad for Savannah right now because Lord knows, this is one weird conversation–but can you say entertaining?

  I think I like Dixon even more now. I am so going to be showing this guy my magic fucking vagina if he keeps talking the way he’s talking!

  If it were physically possible, I think Kayden would have steam pouring out of his ears. His jaw is ticking, and his free hand is balled into a fist. Savannah sits beside him, with a look of shock and amusement on her face. I thought for sure Dixon was going to be wearing her Whiskey Sour with that outburst just now!

  “I will forgive that rude ass comment because I know you’re drunk. But if you say anythin’ about Savannah again…cousin or not, I will beat your fuckin’ face in,” Kayden says, seething with anger.

  I doubt a fight between Kayden and Dixon would be good with all of the crazy paparazzi crap going on right now. I’m just about to attempt to divert the topic, but my bestie beats me to it. She, like me, is always thinking on her toes.

  Climbing onto Kayden’s lap, she gently cups his face with her small, petite hands and presses a short kiss to his lips before pulling away and staring him straight in the eyes.

  I, on the other hand, give Dixon what he deserves: a smack against the chest. The feeling of his hard, taut muscles beneath his T-shirt momentarily stuns me. I snap myself out of my Dixon daze and squint my eyes up at him with my best You know you’re an ass, right? look.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he mouths, “What?” as if he is completely oblivious to the fact that h
is bluntness was rude on so many levels.

  “You know what!” I hiss at him under my breath.

  Letting out a loud sigh, Dixon stares at me like I have five heads before turning his attention back to Savannah and Kayden. Savannah is working her magic at the moment to simmer down the beast that is Kayden so he doesn’t squash his cousin like a damn bug; that would cause a scene the paparazzi would have a field day with.

  “Baby, it’s okay. Actually, I am past okay! You chose me out of every drop dead gorgeous woman you have met throughout the past few years. It’s the most amazin’ feelin’ ever. If Dixon wants to say it’s my magic vagina…well, then so be it.” I can’t believe she managed to just say that and keep a straight face because I know I can’t.

  Covering my mouth, I try to hold back my snicker at Savannah saying 'magic vagina.' Even now, it’s still hilarious. Savannah is the total opposite of me; she is more reserved, so actually verbalizing that is way past her comfort zone. From where I’m sitting, I can tell her face and chest are both flush.

  She’s so adorable.

  Laughing, Kayden pulls Savannah tightly against his chest, then plants a nice, big, steamy wet kiss on my bestie’s lips. Geesh, these two are all for public displays of affection. That much I am now aware of. Savannah is normally the reserved one, while I’m the one practically dry humping my dates in the VIP area. I think I’m rubbing off on her. I'm turning my sweet best friend into a sultry vixen!

  Pulling away from his kiss, Savannah spins around to pour herself another shot. Holding it up, she smiles at me with an impish grin. “To a night we’ll never forget!”

  Hell-freaking-yeah! Now we’re talking. I know tonight will definitely be a night none of us will ever forget. That I’m sure of.

  We all raise our drinks and smile as I catch Dixon actually giving Savannah a sincere smile. “To a night we’ll never forget!” we all shout before drinking to our toast.

  Chapter Nine

  After being squished between Mr. Thunder Down Under and Mr. Too Sexy for His Own Good for over twenty minutes, with neither barely giving me a second of attention since they’re all wrapped up in sports talk with each other, I am in need of some fun. Savannah and I have talked across the table, but I’ve done enough talking.