Wasted Love Page 13
Laughing, I pull her in for one more hug. “I know. I will text you as soon as my flight lands. Bye, bestie. Tell Knox I said I’ll see him on the flip side!” I shout over my shoulder as I slip out the front door.
Jax comes out of the house a few seconds later as I’m slipping my hoodie on over my head. “Ready to go?” he asks, giving me a warm smile before opening the driver side door and sliding into the seat of Kayden’s Audi Q3 SUV.
I open the passenger door, climb in and buckle up. “All set. Thanks again for driving me.”
At the beginning of the drive, we just listen to the radio while Jax takes the highway from Sugar Land to George Bush International Airport. Finally, I decide just to spit it out before the silence in the car causes my head to explode.
Shifting in my seat, I prop my foot under my butt and rest my elbow on the middle console, with my cheek resting in the palm of my hand. I watch Jax in the driver’s seat and nervously lick my lips, which are now feeling dry. I’ve never done this before, and I’m nervous as all hell, which is driving me nuts. I don’t ever get nervous.
“So…ummm, I wanted to talk to you about last night and this morning.” God, I can feel my face flushing again.
What the hell, Brooklyn? Get you shit together. You proposition men all the time! What the hell's the big deal?
Jax gives me a sideways glance as he turns on the blinker to change lanes. I watch as his Adam’s apple bobs in this throat before he opens his mouth to speak.
“I figured there was nothing to be said. We had sex. We’re two single adults who were looking for a good time. What is there left to talk about?” he says, letting out a soft chuckle and glancing over at me again before putting his eyes back on the road.
I tilt my head and rest it on the edge of the seat, and then begin picking at my nail polish. “Well, that’s the thing. It was sex…really good sex,” I say, letting out a nervous laugh. “I thought if you were okay with it, maybe we could make it more than just a one-time thing.”
Jax clears his throat and turns on the blinker to take our exit. We come to a red light, and he runs his hands over his face, letting out a loud sigh before shifting towards me.
“What are yuh wantin’ from me, Brooklyn? I wanna make sure we are absolutely clear about what it is we’re both looking to get out of this arrangement.” Dammit–him and his Aussie accent. I lose my focus momentarily, getting lost in listening to him speak.
I rest my hand on his, which is gripping the shifter. “I’m looking for what you’re looking for: a friend that will be there if we are ever in need of a good lay. We’re both single. Going out every weekend, trying to meet someone that won’t be a complete disappointment in the sack is hard! So I figure we could do each other a favor and be that person you go to when you don’t want to go out looking. But that doesn’t mean you can’t.”
The light turns green, and he leaves me hanging with a million thoughts running through my head. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he answers me, “I’m down if you’re down. So we’re looking at a no-strings-attached, friends-with-benefits kind of thing?”
I let out the breath I’ve been holding and flash him a big mega-watt smile. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”
We spend the remainder of the ride with Jax telling me more Aussie terms, then him picking on me as I parrot them back at him. They sound hot when he says them and just downright stupid when I try to.
Finally, we reach the airport, and Jax pulls up to the drop-off and pick-up spot. I sit nervously in the seat, not really sure how I should behave.
Do I say bye and haul ass inside, or do I give him a kiss goodbye? I am so not good with this whole friends-with-benefits thing.
Jax’s laughter pulls me out of my thoughts. “Goodbye, Brooklyn,” he says, cupping the side of my face and pulling me to him for a toe-curling kiss. The surprise of his lips on mine only makes the kiss that much more delectable.
He then pulls away from my mouth and rubs my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Have a safe flight.”
Breathless, I smile back at him as I undo my seat belt, open the door, and quickly climb out to get my carry-on and suitcase. “Thanks again for the ride. Bye!” I shout back at him as I hurry towards the large glass doors of the airport.
I glance over my shoulder at him one more time and laugh as he waves at me, shaking his head and driving away.
What a crazy weekend this has turned out to be.
Chapter Fourteen
My one week in Vancouver has turned into two weeks in Vancouver. Filming is in full swing, and the producers have said that I’ll be wrapping up my work tomorrow. It’s bittersweet. I’ve loved working with everyone here, but I'm also excited to see the finished product and attend the release party.
With the film wrapping this week, I decided to stay and use my free time over the weekend to practice my stunts. It sucks I missed Xander’s last show before they went on the road. They are touring all this week around Texas and Louisiana before heading back home for the holidays. Once Christmas is over, he’ll be back on the road.
We’ve kept in touch through texting and Facebook. He’s now someone I can call my friend, which is crazy. I don’t really have many guy friends that I talk to on a daily basis. Not even Reagan and I talk this much. But I guess it’s kind of like Reagan and Savannah’s friendship. Those two can’t go more than two days without catching up with one another. Thankfully, Kayden understands their friendship and doesn’t do the whole ‘jealous boyfriend’ thing.
I miss my bestie something awful. I hate being away from her this long. We’re in desperate need of BFF time once I fly back to Houston. I’ve spent every day texting Savannah and keeping up to date on all things Texas. She loves it there, and I love seeing her so happy.
She said Dixon is still the same old arrogant ass he was the first day we met him. Much to her surprise, he actually asked about me after not seeing me around for two weeks. Of course, he was an ass about it, full of sarcasm, she said. He asked if the Texas life was too out of my league and was wondering if I ran back to Hollywood.
I just laughed at it. He is probably masking his curiosity with sarcasm. I know he wants me; he’s just making me really work for it. I don’t mind the least bit. It’s exciting. I love a good challenge.
It’ll happen; it’s just a matter of when and where. Until that day comes, Jax and Xander are the perfect distractions.
I am excited to get back to Houston, especially now that I’ve not only spoken to Jax, but Xander, too, and both of them have agreed to the arrangement. It’s perfect that Jax is on board with us being a little bit more than friends because Xander is traveling right now, so I won’t see much of him around.
Until he returns to Galveston, I plan on getting lots of Aussie action in the meantime.
It’s been two very long weeks since I’ve had any kind of action, and this girl is starving for some loving. There are plenty of guys on set willing to have a quickie in my trailer, but I’ve already fucked the only hot ones here–which, by the way, has been very slim pickings. Believe me, their performances aren’t anything worth repeating. I’m gladly getting by with self-inflicted orgasms for the time being.
I am simply focusing on work this week, knowing I will need all my energy and attention on my job to wrap up filming.
I can’t be distracted by thoughts of Dixon or anyone else. One mistake could lead me to become seriously injured. I get beat up enough doing the job right! I have loved this experience. Beating the crap out of people and knowing people will eat it up in the theaters makes me feel like a bad ass. Although, I am ready for a normal acting gig that doesn’t involve bruises in strange places and feeling like you have been stomped on by a stampede of people wearing stilettos.
Yeah. It’s that bad!
It has been rough shooting this past week. I sprained my wrist a few days ago, making everyone halt production for a few hours. The director was none too pleased. I ice
d it for two hours while resting in my trailer, then toughed it out to finish up the shoot.
Now that’s dedication.
I was being tossed over a car and was supposed to duck and roll over a mat they’ll edit out, but I landed wrong and hurt my wrist. I was relieved when the set medic told me it wasn’t broken. In this business, they don’t wait for you to heal. They’re on a time crunch with their budget and can’t afford to stop shooting until you’re better, especially for a stunt double like me. If you get hurt, you get replaced, end of story.
I don’t have to be on set for another hour. I’m enjoying my downtime before I go out and get my ass kicked again. I'm lying on the bed in my trailer and reading on my phone when it vibrates, alerting me of a new text message.
As soon as I open it, I smile. It’s from Xander. He’s been randomly texting me every few days. Sometimes it's to tell me a funny story from a gig he just had or send me a funny picture he stumbled across while he was scrolling through Facebook. I click on the message, and my smile widens.
Hey, B. I’m sitting here on the tour bus trying to write a new song but drawing a blank. So figured I’d shoot u a text to c what my crazy stunt double is up to today. I hope not hurting any other parts of that sinfully hot body of urs ;)
I snicker at his comment about getting hurt on set. Thank goodness I haven’t had any other accidents. I’ve been extra cautious ever since my accident, making sure to land every stunt perfectly. I quickly type a response back to him.
Knock on wood no more mishaps on set. If we wrap everything up that’s scheduled, I should be flying back into Houston Wednesday.
- B
Not even a few seconds after hitting send, my phone vibrates, alerting me of another text.
I should be back in town around the same time. I may be doing a show with the guys at Lance’s Bar n Grill this week 2 celebrate being home after being on the road 4 2- weeks. I hope u can make it…
I can’t ignore the butterflies I get in my stomach when I think about finally getting to see Xander singing on stage in person. I’ve only watched videos of him and his band performing on YouTube. The band has been recording every show they’ve done in the last two weeks. I love watching them, but it can’t compare to actually seeing him perform face-to-face.
I get goose bumps just thinking about watching him on stage, commanding the audience. Nothing is hotter than a man on stage. Period! Then there's the fact that he kills the 30 Seconds To Mars songs they cover, which makes him that much hotter. I get wet just thinking about him singing to me while he fucks me.
It’s like my own personal concert mixed with that walking orgasm of a penis.
I type back a response immediately. There’s no need to think about it. I am for sure going to be there!
I will be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m beyond excited to see u on stage live & in person. I’m getting all worked up just thinking about it ;)
It’s not even five seconds, and another text pops up, this time with a hilarious selfie of Xander with a look of shock on his face. I can’t help but laugh at his big eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. As soon as the picture comes through, a text follows.
Damn woman! U r a dirty little minx! I will be singing to u the whole time ;) I hope this means you’ll be coming back to my place afterward…
If we’re lucky, we’ll make it to his place. After watching his fine ass on stage, I’ll be so worked up I’ll probably have to drag his ass into the bathroom for a quickie before continuing the fun at his place.
U shouldn’t have to even ask that question. As long as it’s me u want at the end of the night I’m down for anything & everything! ;)
I hear a knock on my trailer door before I can see what Xander’s response is. “Come in!” I shout from the sofa; I’m not moving unless I absolutely have to. I quickly turn my phone to sound, so I don't miss a text.
The door pops open, and Piper and Frankie peek their heads in. They are part of the team of makeup artists and hair stylists on set. Frankie also does wardrobe on set.
“Are you decent, girlfriend? We received orders to come get you ready to film your next scene. It’s going to be badass. I can already tell because the director told us to expect to be working on you for a few hours. You’re going to be looking all bruised and battered by the time we’re through with you,” Frankie says, climbing up the stairs and plopping down beside me. He is one of the few people on set I’m going to miss being around. He is hilarious and loves putting a dent in his bank account by shopping with me on a daily basis.
I sit up, give him a cheeky grin, and run my fingers over the neon green faux hawk he’s sporting at the moment. His hair changes color faster than I change men!
“Sounds exciting! I’ll be going out with a bang!”
Piper wastes no time setting up and opening her makeup kits on my vanity. “We’re going to be adding some bruising and cuts to your arms. You’ll be wearing a tank top and leather pants for this fight scene. Frankie brought your costume with him for you to change into so you don’t ruin the makeup when changing afterward.” She glances at me in-between words while digging out her airbrush machine and all of her makeup brushes.
Frankie jumps to his feet, grabs the black wardrobe bags he carried in with him, and tosses them into my arms. “Chop chop, Miss B. We got work to do!”
“Yes, sir!” I say sarcastically, then get to work removing the clothing from the bags and changing. I’ve changed in front of people so many times, it’s not even a big deal to me anymore. Plus Frankie prefers sausages to tacos, so he couldn’t care less if I strip down into my bra and panties in front of him.
My phone starts blasting S.E.X., by Nickelback, alerting me I have another text from Xander. I thought long and hard as to what to set his text tone to on my phone. I just knew this one was perfect. It’s only a few seconds long, but the line in the song I picked is perfect: sex is always the answer, it’s never a question.
Love it!
Piper and Frankie both eye me as my phone blasts throughout the trailer. “So, Xander has been texting you a lot,” Frankie says nonchalantly as he begins teasing my hair.
“Yes, he has. Since I’m stuck in this chair, can you grab that?” I ask, sweetly batting my eyelashes at him in the mirror above my vanity.
He presses his lips together and blows out a puff of air. “Girl, you’re lucky I like you,” he says, then retrieves my phone and drops it into the palm of my hand.
I flash him a killer grin as I watch him get back to work on my hair. “You know you love me. You’re going to miss the hell out of me once we wrap this film up.”
Piper leans down beside me and gets to work on a large gash on my right forearm. Glancing up at me, she sighs. “I am going to miss this…miss you guys,” she says as she sways her makeup brush in the air. “We definitely have to get together and celebrate before you leave.”
“Oh, you know me. I can never turn down a party.”
“Believe me, I know. I have to work wonders covering up the bags under your eyes every time you come back from time off with all those wild nights out.” Piper is so dramatic. But I love her.
“You are a magician with that makeup brush; I’ll give you that!”
My phone starts blasting Xander’s ringtone again, reminding me that I haven’t read his text yet. I get distracted so easily. I swear; Savannah and her scatterbrained ways are rubbing off on me.
I open it, then burst out laughing and quickly hide my phone from Frankie and Piper’s view. He loves sending me pictures with captions on them, and this one doesn’t disappoint. It’s a picture of the crotch of his jeans, with a very visible erection pressing against the leg of his pants. The caption says: You’re making me hard just thinking about it. Your throne is waiting for you.
Damn…the things this guy can do to my body, even though w
e’re thousands of miles apart. He takes sexting to a whole new level with these pictures.
“Whatever it is he wrote, it must be hawt! Because, girly, your face is redder than an Irish chick on Spring Break!” Piper says, laughing up at me with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
“Shush, woman! Get back to work. These cuts and bruises won’t appear by themselves.” I get a good laugh out of her and Frankie with that one.
“Ahh, she’s getting feisty,” Frankie says, giving Piper a sly grin.
He is so dramatic. Pulling my hair back into a high ponytail, he begins working on curls with a large curling iron. He’s going for a big, badass updo, with a big poof at the crown of my head. “Just keep channeling that feistiness, and when you get ready for the cameras to roll this afternoon, you’ll kick some major ass on set, B.”
I relax against the salon chair while typing a reply to Xander, ignoring my noisy friends as they focus on working their magic. It’s hard as hell to type a text with one hand, especially when you’re using your left hand, and you’re right-handed; thank God for auto correct. I let Xander know I am eager to reclaim my throne again. I also write I will text him as soon as I know for sure what day I’ll be flying back into Houston. He replies, telling me I can’t get back fast enough.
Xander has a gig tonight, so he had to go to sound check. He was a nice distraction for a little while. I’ll have to check out YouTube later and see how Slither Tongue’s show went tonight; for now, I need to prepare myself mentally for my scene.
I close my eyes and replay the scene we practiced this morning. In slow motion through my mind, I watch every jump, flip, kick, and hit that will happen while we film today. I need it all to go perfectly.
If I’m lucky, I may get nominated for an award at the 2013 Taurus World Stunt Awards. It’s like the Oscars, just for stunt doubles. I never knew anything about the awards until I auditioned for this job and my agent told me about the possibility. This movie is getting an abundance of publicity. With all the superhero movies being the big ticket item at the moment and me being the stunt double to the main heroine, my agent said this role will bring more attention to me in the stunt world. My fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes are all crossed that this movie will be my big break to help get some movie rolls with actual lines!