Wasted Love Page 14
It’s going to be bittersweet saying goodbye to these guys, all the amazing actors, actresses, and crew members I’ve worked with, but I’m excited for whatever comes next. That’s one reason I love acting: every new job is a new adventure.
I was crying as I said goodbye to all the amazing people I’d met while working in Vancouver. I never imagined it would be that hard to walk away from a job. Every job I’ve ever had has been within a short time frame, so there wasn't really enough time to form friendships. We all swore we’d stay in touch, and I really hope we do. In this business, we’re all constantly moving in different directions, so there is no guarantee we’ll ever work together again.
Saying goodbye is never easy, but I’m excited to dive back into auditions and see what my next adventure will be. I only have three days in Houston, so I need to make the most of them before I fly home to Los Angeles for the holidays. Reagan, Savannah, and my best friend, who is a photographer for Envy Magazine, flew into Houston today but is only staying for one night.
Xander’s band is playing at a bar here in Galveston tonight, so we’re all going to get together there to celebrate Reagan’s one night in Texas. He’s tried for years to get me into his bed, but I’ve always put the brakes on before things could ever go too far. He is one guy that I can truly call a friend, and I don’t ever want to risk losing that. Sure he’s extremely attractive, but there’s never been that overwhelming chemistry between us. I think deep down he knows that, too, and just loves driving me crazy with his endless attempts to get into my panties.
Xander surprised me today by showing up at the airport to pick me up. He is amazing and looked as yummy as ever. I am so excited to see him finally perform in person.
We parked our vehicles and are getting ready to walk up the street to Lance’s Bar and Honky Tonk. Xander said the place is going to be packed, so we needed to make sure we got here early to grab a table near the stage before the place fills up.
Our neighbors, Zak and Jacob, are joining us, along with Savannah, Kayden, and Reagan. Kayden and Jacob are the designated drivers tonight, so Savannah and I can have a kick ass time with Reagan. We miss having his crazy ass around every weekend to get into trouble with us, so whenever we get together now, we make it memorable.
“So, you and Xander seem to be getting pretty hot and heavy,” Savannah says as she links our arms together, and we strut down the street with our heeled cowgirl boots clicking on the sidewalk.
I turn my attention from the line of store signs to Savannah’s bright, bubbly face, which is beaming mischievously at me. “Don’t even start, Savannah. You know this is just sex; nothing more. Sure he can light me up like a Christmas tree better than any man I’ve ever been with, but that’s where we start and end.”
“Are you sure? He is really cute. I’m guessing a lot of others think so, too, after some of the videos I’ve seen from their shows.”
I shake my head yes. “Believe me, we’re on the same page. He and I both agreed to sex only. Sure we have fun when we’re together, but that’s it. It’s just fun.”
“Okay. I just wanted to know where your head’s at. I just don’t want to see you get hurt, especially with him living the rock and roll lifestyle. I want to make sure you’re okay with the idea that he’ll probably have a handful of women clawing their way through you to get to him.”
I pull her closer to me and give her a reassuring smile. She narrows her eyes at me as she tries to read me to see if I’m being honest or blowing smoke up her ass. I’m as serious as a heart attack right now. I am perfectly fine with my life the way it is. I have no desire to change my ways. I’m happy right now with just the way things are.
“Xander is very honest with me, Savannah, as I am with him. He’s been upfront with me since the day we discussed becoming friends-with-benefits. He’s hooked up with other girls while touring the last two weeks, and I sure as hell have no plans on swearing off men and settling for just him. I need variety,” I tell her, flashing a cheeky grin and raising my eyebrows up and down playfully. “I don’t expect anything less from him. He’s living his dream, just like I am. With our careers, relationships are just going to end disastrously. So we’re enjoying our arrangement, and once we’ve had our fill of one another, we’ll move on.”
Savannah shakes her head and quickens her pace to try and catch up with the guys, who are all walking a few feet ahead of us. Finally, she glances at me, and I can see that playful spark back in her eyes; I can tell she’s ready to get into some trouble with me tonight. We have our heavy talk out of the way, and it’s now time for some much-needed fun. I’ve busted my ass the last two weeks to wrap up my work in Vancouver, and now it’s time to celebrate.
“If you’re happy, I’m happy. Now, let’s go see what all the hype is about. I gotta see if Xander and his band are as good as you say they are.”
Chapter Fifteen
The bar is packed as the band finishes warming up. They are going to be starting in the next five minutes, and the excitement is contagious. I know Slither Tongue is just a small-time band starting out, but here in Galveston they’re like rock stars. Girls are everywhere, surrounding the stage and talking to the guys while they get ready to rock the bar for the next two hours.
I love seeing the groupies green with envy as I saunter up the stage and climb up to greet Xander properly. I jump into his arms, lock my legs around his waist, and give him a call the fire department because this place just burst into flames from the heat coming off our lips kiss. He gave just as much as I was giving, cupping my ass and showing the crowd he already had the girl he would be leaving with tonight.
I couldn’t help but notice the big ass grins on his bandmates’ faces. Seeing me with Xander just made their hot factor skyrocket; they know the girls will be all over their dicks tonight as they try to go home with one of the local rockers.
There’s a large banner hung up on stage behind them, with their band name ‘Slither Tongue’ written in gothic style font over a large skull with roses. It's similar to Xander’s tattoo, but the skull has a snake coming out of its right eye, with a long, split tongue sticking out of its mouth.
It suits their name perfectly and makes for a hot band logo.
Savannah and Kayden are sitting at our table, getting all snuggly with one another. They are being the ever so adorable couple while Reagan, Jacob, and Zak are hanging at the bar, getting drinks. I told them I’d join them all in a bit. I want to watch the show up by the stage for a few songs.
Xander looks extra delicious tonight, wearing tight black jeans, biker boots, and a vintage Guns N’ Roses T-shirt that fits nice and tight, emphasizing his muscular build. His fingers are covered in a variety of rings, and his left wrist has a leather cuff on it, giving him that irresistible bad boy look. He absolutely screams sex with his ‘melt me where I stand’ smile and his wild, seductive eyes.
As soon as he opens his mouth to greet the crowd, my body tingles all over. He has the sexiest, raspy voice, which just gets raspier after being in this smoky bar.
“Hi, y’all! Thanks so much for coming out to see us tonight. We know all of y’all have probably spent the entire week getting your last-minute holiday shopping done and are in desperate need of a good time. So what do you say? You ready to party and have a good time?”
The entire bar erupts in screams and catcalls from men and women. The excitement is contagious; I find myself raising my hands in the air and shouting up at the stage, too.
“I’ll kick off our evenin’ with a fan favorite. It's from one of our favorite new artists that is showing America there’s nothing wrong with a little rock and roll in country music. Y’all wanna hear Kick It In The Sticks?”
This is one of my favorite songs right now. I’ve seen videos of them performing it and have been excited to finally see it in person. I love Brantley Gilbert’s hardcore country look and songs. Xander’s deep, raspy drawl is similar to Brantley’s, so he kills this cover every t
ime he performs one of his songs.
As soon as Travis starts on the guitar, the girls in the crowd go crazy. Travis is extremely good looking. He has the bad biker boy look going on, with his long dirty blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and a slight beard that gives him a rough, mysterious look.
Ryan is on bass and looks like every mom’s dream guy for their daughters. He looks like the boy next door, with short light brown hair and those black geek style glasses that are all the rage right now. He is a little on the skinny side, but still muscular. Ryan looks like the All-American boy on the outside, but under that tight black T-shirt is a full back tattoo of a skull face with beautiful, detailed flowers inside the eye sockets and around the head. His last name, Donovan, is blended in above its head with flowers and swirls; it’s truly a work of art. Xander said they all went to get skull tattoos when they formed the band as a way to seal their brotherhood, or some manly crap.
Either way, the tattoos are seriously hot. I asked Ryan why he chose only to get a tattoo on his back and nowhere else. He informed me that he actually has a degree in teaching. In case this whole rock star thing doesn’t work out, he wants to be able to fall back on his degree, and he doesn’t think a guy covered in tattoos would be taken seriously by a group of teenagers in a history class.
I just laughed because he’s right. If my teacher looked like a badass rocker, I wouldn’t take him seriously either; I would just spend all day trying to find a way to sleep my way into straight A’s.
I don’t really know the drummer that well. He wasn’t around when I was at Xander’s place, and I only met him officially today. His name is Jase, and he is more on the quiet side. From what I’ve learned, the quiet ones are usually the craziest. He looks more like a body builder than a drummer. He is the biggest out of the three, in size and body mass.
This man is massive.
He has black hair and a dark, natural tan. I'm not sure, but he looks to be Samoan. His entire bicep is covered in Hawaiian tattoos; I recognize them from when Savannah and I once went there on vacation. His arm is decorated in black and red inked triangles that make up rows or curving lines that are simply breathtaking.
His deep, chocolate eyes are soft and welcoming, even though his massive size seems intimidating. I’m looking forward to getting to know him and the other guys better.
For the next half-hour, I am lost listening to Xander sing. Watching him on stage is so exciting and weird all at the same time. I knew that night in Club Drip he had that edgy rocker look, but never in a million years would I have thought he was actually in a band–and not just one of those wannabe bands, but an actual, real-deal band. They are really good. I can see why they landed the final spot on the tour they’re on.
There are a million guys in L.A. like him that want to make it big and be on the cover of Rolling Stone. Normally, I never have the desire to see the guys I hook-up with like that again, let alone actually go watch them perform; but with Xander, he’s just an all-around cool guy. I love his blend of rock and country, it’s unique and fun to listen to.
Of course, he kept his eyes locked on mine the entire time he sang Beautiful Lie, by 30 Seconds To Mars. He knows exactly what hearing him sing their songs to me does to my body. I’m counting down the moments until I can get him alone.
Finally, at midnight, Slither Tongue finishes with their performance. The bar goes back to the jukebox for music, and I can steal Xander away to hang out with everyone before we leave for his place.
As soon as Xander steps off stage, I jump into his arms, wrap mine around his neck, and press a kiss to his lips. I can taste the saltiness from his sweat and the whiskey on his tongue. He has never been more attractive to me than he is at this moment. Seeing all of the women around us trying to get close to him only makes me want him more.
“What did you think?” he asks as I finally pry myself away from his lips.
I shrug my shoulders. “It was okay, I guess…” I let out a small giggle. “I’m kidding! You guys were amazing. You’ve officially been bumped up to my number two favorite rocker.”
He furrows his brow and gives me a stern look. “Number two? I officially hate Jared Leto.”
I can’t help but burst out laughing. I then release him from my embrace and playfully slap his chest. “Oh, stop. Now show me what it’s like to be a groupie that gets to go home with a hot rock star after the show.”
He takes my hand in his and leads me through the crowd of people, but stops to sign stuff and talk to a few fans along the way. Before I know what’s happening, I’m being pulled into a back room at the bar, where I spot all of the band's gear.
This must be the green room.
I glance up at Xander with a puzzled look and immediately notice his pupils dilating as he grips the doorknob and locks it. His arm is wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly against him, and I can feel his heart in his chest, pounding fiercely against mine.
His hazel eyes are dark and full of lust as he walks me backwards until I feel myself press against the cool wall. Closing his eyes, he tilts his head to bring it to the crook of my neck. Running his nose along my neck, he breathes me in, all the while pressing his body against mine, allowing me to feel the evidence of his arousal pressed against my stomach.
God…I feel my knees growing weak with every passing second. My entire body was wrapped up into a tight knot as I watched him perform on stage, seeing those women going crazy with looks of pure desire and want in their eyes, knowing they could dream as much as they wanted, but it would be me he’s fucking at the end of the day.
“I don’t know how I made it through those two hours. Standing up there, singing to you…it was taking everything in me to not drag you up on stage and have my way with you right there in front of everyone.”
My core tightens and my body flushes as his words hit me. As his mouth begins sucking on my neck, I can hear the bar full of people just on the other side of the door, along with the loud country music blasting throughout the bar…something about doing a watermelon crawl, and people are stomping their boots on the hardwood floor.
“Oh…my…” I whisper breathlessly as Xander’s fingers find their way into my panties. I’m trying to find my voice, but it disappeared the second he pressed me against the wall. My brain has gone blank, and all I can process is the overwhelming throbbing between my thighs. I ache to feel his magnificent reverse Prince Albert slamming into my G-spot.
“Let me take the edge off for you, baby, until I can get you home and pleasure you the way this sinful body deserves.”
I feel his lips leave my neck and work their way to my mouth. My body is spinning as he finger fucks me like there’s no tomorrow. I curl my toes and grind my mound against the palm of his hand as his dark hazel eyes meet mine. He stares at me for a second, basking in the view of me panting against the wall, on the verge of cumming on his hand.
He leans down and presses his lips to mine for a fast, hard kiss. As quickly as his mouth was on mine, it’s gone, and he’s falling to his knees between my legs.
“Rest your leg on my shoulder,” he commands as he cups the back of my right thigh.
I’m extremely happy with my outfit of choice tonight. My denim skirt was definitely the right choice. I lift my leg and rest it on his shoulder, then slide one hand into his hair. Cupping the back of his head, I use my other hand to support myself by gripping his shoulder.
Holy, fuck. I’ll never get over that first initial lick with his tongue ring every time he goes down on me.
“I am officially thinking you’re working your way to the top of my list,” I laugh breathlessly, then close my eyes and tilt my head up towards the ceiling.
“That’s my goal, beautiful,” he murmurs from between my thighs.
With his fingers slick with my arousal, I feel him slowly rubbing at my back entrance, causing my core to contract with excitement at what’s to come. The cool metal of his tongue ring is flicking my clit in a perfect rhythm. I feel his index
finger slip into my ass, causing a low moan to escape me.
Squeezing his hair in my hand, I grind against his mouth. His tongue dips into my sex, and he begins picking the up pace of sliding his finger in and out of my ass.
“Fuck…I’m almost there,” I hiss between clenched teeth. I squeeze my eyes so tight; I see fireflies floating in front of them.
My breathing is accelerating, and my entire body is becoming flushed as I feel my climax building. With one more flick of his tongue, I feel myself explode. An orgasm erupts inside of me, causing my ears to ring and my body to convulse against Xander’s mouth.
After a few moments, my body recovers from the orgasm he gave me. As I drop my leg off his body, my boot slams hard on the floor; the sound echoing around the room that just two seconds ago was filled only with the sounds of my heavy breathing and moans of ecstasy.
“So, am I at the top of the list?” Xander asks as he stands and leans in to give me another virtuous kiss.
Laughing against his lips, I slide along the wall to escape his kiss, and then make my way toward the door, making an extra effort to shake my ass as I walk across the room. “Almost. You got some more work to do.”
My vagina is freaking numb and tingling as I make my way into the ladies' room. After using the bathroom, I check my makeup to make sure I don’t look like I just had a mind-blowing orgasm in the green room before going back out into the bar.
When I step out of the ladies room, Xander is leaning against the wall waiting for me, surrounded by three women. A normal girl would feel jealous and have her claws out within seconds, ready to scratch their eyes out–but not me; all I have to do is take a step and feel that delicious sensation between my legs and remember where the mouth they’re gawking at just was.